return array (
'Accept Cookies' => 'Accept Cookies',
'Cookie info' => 'Please be informed that we use cookies to enhance your user experience.
For a complete overview of all cookies used, please see our
<a href="'.route('frontend.pages.cookies').'" class="hero_side__link">Cookies Policy</a>
and <a href="'.route('frontend.pages.privacy').'" class="hero_side__link">Privacy Policy</a>.',
return array (
'Cookie info' => 'Please be informed that we use cookies to enhance your user experience.
For a complete overview of all cookies used, please see our
<a href=":policy_url" class="hero_side__link">Cookies Policy</a>
and <a href=":privacy_url" class="hero_side__link">Privacy Policy</a>.',
{{! __('Cookie info', [
'policy_url' => route('frontend.pages.cookies'),
'privacy_url' => route('frontend.pages.privacy'),
]) !}}
style="appearance: none; margin: 0;"
вернёт DOM-ноду, а не jQuery-объект. <div class="swiper-wrapper">
$featured = new WP_Query(
'posts_per_page' => 10,
'post_type' => 'product',
'orderby' => array('name' => 'ASC'),
'tax_query' => array(
'taxonomy' => 'product_visibility',
'field' => 'name',
'terms' => 'featured',
while($featured->have_posts()): $featured->the_post();?>
<?$product_id = get_the_ID();?>
<?$product = new WC_Product($product_id);?>
<div class="swiper-slide">
<div class="top_products_item">
<div class="top_products_img">
<a href="<?=$product->add_to_cart_url()?>">
<div class="top_products_content">
<div class="top_products_title">
<a href="<?=$product->add_to_cart_url()?>"><?=$product->get_title()?></a>
<div class="top_products_price">от <?=$product->get_price()?> р.</div>
<a href="<?=$product->add_to_cart_url()?>" class="button">Оформить заказ</a>
.main-content ul li:before {}
и .main-content ul.list-plus li:before
(ниже) а из js только меняйте класс list-plus..main-content ul li:before {}
есть свойство margin-top: 7px;
, например, и оно НЕ ОТМЕНЯЕТСЯ при добавлении list-plus. <div className="todoListMain"> <div className="header">
.todoListMain.header input {
и .header
куда потерялся? Ну и с остальными стилями косяк тот же. const CALL_COST = 20;
const DIST_COSTS = [
['range' => 0, 'cost' => 1],
['range' => 10, 'cost' => 1.5],
['range' => 20, 'cost' => 0.5], // 2 - 1.5
function distPrice($distance) {
$price = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count(DIST_COSTS) && $distance >= DIST_COSTS[$i]['range']; $i += 1) {
$price += ($distance - DIST_COSTS[$i]['range']) * DIST_COSTS[$i]['cost'];
return $price;
function routePrice($distFrom, $distTo) {
return CALL_COST + distPrice($distTo) - distPrice($distFrom);
print routePrice(0, 30) . "\n"; // 85
print routePrice(10, 28) . "\n"; // 69
pointer-events: none