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Как получить первые заказы на upwork?

Я понимаю что это пережевано 10 раз.
Я у вас прошу посмотреть примеры моих откликов и сказать где я косячу или все более менее.
Очень хочу услышать мнение опытных upwork-еров


The form found here, malbismedia.com/contact.html, currently works by submitting results to a database. However, it does not:

1) Properly re-direct the user to malbismedia.com/index.html after submission and
2) Email me the form results.

Let me know what you need to get started.

Cover Letter

Hello, i can do it.
It's simple work, as i see.
I need check DB, set redirect, and add email.

200$ is too high price for it.

I'm expert PHP developer, with 5 years PHP experience.
I recently on upwork, so i have no rating.
I will begin now at you form.


We had caching up and running on my yii project but a few weeks back it seems to have stopped working. My developer looked at it and couldn't figure out what broke it. We tried enabling ae2nmod and he had a look at the HTAccess file thinking that might be the issue but could not resolve it.

I assume it is some sort of server configuration issue or we didn't enable it properly. Linux isn't either of our strong points. If it does require digging into the code you will be required to use bitbucket and git to checkout and checkin code to keep it in sync.

I also need someone that can start right away as it is time sensitive.

Hello, I have 5 years of yii experience.
It's my specialization.

As i see problem in linux configuration, if you didn't change code.
htacces does not affect on cashing.

But i'm new upwork freelancer, so i don't have "Upwork Hours"
So I suggest you work at a low rate.

And I'm not sure that I have english level good enough to talk, but good enough to correspond. less

How would you rate yourself with Yii 1 out of 10?

I rate me 9/10.
10/10 are developers of yii)
How would you rate yourself debugging page optimization issue out of 10?

I know were to find bugs.
How would you rate yourself working on yii caching?

I know yii caching pretty well
Are you ready to start to start working immediately and if not what time and timezone are you ready to start?

Yes i ready to start immediately, and can work as much as you want, I do not have active projects now.

Repair a wordpress website without losing the website!! - Need to manually update wordpress through FTP - Update all plugins and themes - Remove left over malware ( i have a list of infected files) - Update wp-config - have the site up and running again

Hello, i can help you with malware.

I have experience in it.

malware cleared original files or updated it with new code?
may be you have backup on your hosting?

Need to be completed with 3 days maximum

I have no active work now, I am looking forward to do the work tomorrow
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Ответы на вопрос 4
Просто люблю качественно работать
Следую простому ответу
Я могу решить вашу проблему
И все зачем писать больше если есть другие важные факторы как скорость?
Ответ написан
так может дело не в cover letter? вы ведь новичок, ничего удивительного. тут многое зависит от фазы луны и времени года. и есть заказчики, которые не то, чтобы на профайлы откликнувшихся не смотрят, они даже смотрят в cover letter и видят -- не знаю, что они там видят, но мне иногда задают вопросы про то, что и так у меня есть и в профайле, или я даже это еще в биде написал.

вас могут отсеивать еще до чтения вашего cover letter.
Ответ написан
Очень рекомендую прочитать гайд по работе на апворк odeskconf.github.io/guide , а также посетить слак-чат русскоязычных фрилансеров OdeskConf.slack.com (ссылка для регистрации - https://odeskconf.typeform.com/to/uWCUUl) в котором уже более 1000 участников.
Ответ написан
I have 5 years of yii experience
I'm expert PHP developer, with 5 years PHP experience.

Эта уита никому не интересна, если не спрашивают напрямую.
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