Извращенно но можно
Start regedit.exe (Start - Run - regedit)
Open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\Winlogon
Double-click the DefaultDomainName and fill in your domain name
Double-click the DefaultUserName and fill in login name
From Edit menu, select New String Value and enter DefaultPassword as name of value
Double-click the DefaultPassword and enter in the password
From Edit menu, select New String Value and enter AutoAdminLogon as name of value
Double-click the AutoAdminLogon and set the value to the number 1
Close regedit
Log off and you will be automatically logged in again
You should also make sure DontDisplayLastUserName (also under the WinLogon key) is set to 0.
Ваша задача сформировать файл реестра, запустить его и вызвать логофф. Перезагрузится от нужного профиля