def get_finance(value):
#we make a url for google finance with the value given
link = ""%value
#we open this url
page = urllib2.urlopen(link).read()
#we find where is the hisctorical link
findhistorical = re.findall("/finance/historical\?q.*\"", page)
print findhistorical
#we substract the " at the end of the string
findhistorical = findhistorical[0].replace('\"','')
#we make a link for the historical page of the value
histlink = ""%findhistorical
#we open the historical page
hist = urllib2.urlopen(histlink).read()
#we find the link for getting the data in csv mode
findcsv = re.findall('http://finance.*csv',hist)
#we open the link
csv = ''
try :
#we try to get the csv file if existent
csv = urllib2.urlopen(findcsv[0]).read()
except :
#else we parse the google finance page with table parser
findcsv = re.findall('.*?',hist,re.S)
p = TableParser()
csv = p.doc
#we return the csv data for the value
return csv
def main(argv=None):
# we get the argument passed on the command line
value = sys.argv[1]
print get_finance(value)