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Как отменить подписку Adobe без штрафа?

4 месяца назад я оформила подписку на Adobe Photoshop и исправно платила ежемесячно около 300 рублей за подписку на минимальном тарифном плане. Сейчас, когда надобности в этой программе нет, захотелось отменить подписку и привязку к кредитной карте.
Тут началось самое интересное, чтобы отменить подписку я должна заплатить 1000 с лишним рублей неустойки компании Adobe, вот кусок письма:

Досрочная отмена подписки повлечет за собой удержание штрафной суммы в размере 50% от суммы за оставшиеся месяцы подписки, что указано в Условиях Подписки.
В вашем случае, это 1196 руб. 00 коп.

Я оформляла единственный возможный вариант - это годовая подписка. С оплатой помесячно. Был еще вариант оплаты сразу всей суммы за год.
То есть я должна заплатить за что? Это, конечно, неожиданно. И карту никак не отвязать, то-есть сумма будет списываться ежемесячно с моего счета.
Есть ли возможность как-то обойти этот возмутительный момент?
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Решения вопроса 1
Столкнулся с такой же проблемой - решил попробовать легального продукта и как многие навtрное знают - не смог его даже активировать нормально. Покупал подписку на год с ежемес. оплатой, но так как не заработало - просто забил.
Когда же через месяц деньги повторно были списаны - негодованию моему не было предела...(Предполагал что списание средств будет по моему желанию)
1. Сразу позвонил в Сбер - отменил транзакцию (время было уже 21:03 у Adobe 18:03 - чат работает только до 18)
2. На след. день вышел в чат и вежливо попросил меня отключить.
Мне задан был вопрос - Почему? Ответил - это мое желание... И понеслось - вы не можете, платите штраф и тд. и т.п. Чат у них только на английском (с какого перепуга то?)
Вообщем, раза три просил, меня переключали в чате - в итоге пригрозил создать сайт с петицией о их беспределе, пояснил - что бы не подписывал и с чем бы не соглашался - всегда имею право отказаться - всегда, понимаете?
Действия их противозаконны. Сказал что уже заблокировал транзакцию и буду отключать далее - на что мне было сказано платите штраф...Еще раз пригрозил судом и о чудо...Мне пришло письмо что я отключен.
3. Письмо - подтверждение отключения от подписки. Могут наобещать что отключили а по факту - статус будет активен.

ADOBE - вся их система CLOUD смахивает на обычное мошенничество. И не надо их защищать - уступки и т.д.
- был бы нормальный сервис , не страдали бы люди - этого бы письма не было...
Не подписывайтесь. Всем добра )
Ответ написан
Пригласить эксперта
Ответы на вопрос 23
Перед снятием денег с карты, убери оттуда все деньги.
Они несколько раз попытаются (если подключено СМС-оповещение, то это видно).
Напишут письмо, что мол с картой проблемы.
И отстанут.
Проверено буквально два месяца назад.

А формально-то они правы.

Они тебе предоставляли Фотошоп за копейки фактически при определенных условиях. Для РФ специальная цена в рублях, несмотря на рост курса доллара.
И вполне разумно потребовать с тебя компенсации за использование на столь льготных условиях.

Ты подмахнул(а) эти условия не глядя - но тут ты не прав(а).
Ответ написан
Вот моя переписка , как я отказался без штрафа . Может кому поможет71dee08cb8f14fc0bd42c152d47403c9.png

Bill Bahadur: Thank you for contacting Adobe Membership Services . I’ll look into your account right away to view exclusive offers for your membership.
Александр Бельков: the subscription is cancelled?
Bill Bahadur: Александр, please stay on the line while I check your membership status and savings that you are entitled to. While these details load, I'd love to know why you first chose Adobe
Bill Bahadur:
Александр Бельков: previously fond of photos , but not now.
Bill Bahadur: Thank you, may I please have your best phone number, if incase we get disconnected, we can go ahead and arrange a call back as soon as possible
Александр Бельков: +7903------
Bill Bahadur: Thank you
Bill Bahadur: Please allow me 1-2 minute(s) to review your account details.
Александр Бельков: ok...
Bill Bahadur: We appreciate your patience and apologize for the wait.
Александр Бельков: >: |
Bill Bahadur: I reviewed the account details, I see there is a subscription of Creative Cloud Photography plan (one-year)
Bill Bahadur:
Александр Бельков: I want to unsubscribe
Bill Bahadur: As I understand you wish to cancel it right?
Bill Bahadur:
Александр Бельков: yes
Bill Bahadur: I would like to inform you, As per the policy the subscription you have under the account is under an annual commitment with monthly billing, How ever if you wish to cancel it right now there will be an early termination fee charge, that would amount 50% of the remaining months
Bill Bahadur:
Bill Bahadur: Just to let you know that you still have 4 months remaining to complete the year contract
Bill Bahadur: Are we still connected
Александр Бельков: one minute
Bill Bahadur: Sure please
Александр Бельков: Article 32 of the RF Law "On protection of consumer rights" Right of the consumer to refusal of execution of the contract on performance of works (rendering of services) the Consumer is entitled to refuse performance of the contract on performance of works (rendering of services) at any time subject to payment to the executor the actually incurred expenses associated with the performance of its obligations under this agreement.
Александр Бельков: To write a claim in court?
Bill Bahadur: For better confirmation, I would kindly request you to please visit the link of terms and condition of Adobe's subscription www.adobe.com/misc/subscription_terms.html
Bill Bahadur: Are we still connected?
Александр Бельков: You provide services on the territory of the Russian Federation, the agreement contradicts the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Александр Бельков: All subsequent transactions will cancel
Bill Bahadur: I apologize Александр, As per the Adobe policy if you wish to cancel it there will be an cancellation fee charge for it
Александр Бельков: I'm going to write a complaint, copies will be sent to you.
Александр Бельков: As well as the petition.
Bill Bahadur: Yes Sure but please allow me a moment to have a check with my resources to see what best can be done in this case
Александр Бельков: ок
Bill Bahadur: We appreciate your patience and apologize for the wait.
Александр Бельков: In your written agreement. 1, 1.1 You may have additional rights under the law. We do not intend to limit those rights in cases where it is prohibited by law.
Bill Bahadur: Александр, Yes as of one time curtsey, I can go ahead waive off the cancellation fee and cancel the subscription of you
Bill Bahadur: Please stay connected, while I go ahead and do as I mentioned above
Александр Бельков: ok
Bill Bahadur: We appreciate your patience and apologize for the wait.
Bill Bahadur: All set from my end the confirmation for the cancellation would be 0220923295, you will also receive an via email regarding the cancellation, Just to let you know that you will still have the access to it till the next billing date and than it will automatically expire, you will no longer be billed any further
Bill Bahadur: Is there anything else I can help you with?
Ответ написан
Способ который использовал я проще и без общения с тех. поддержкой:
Сначала меняем текущую подписку на любую другую и получаем рефанд за неиспользуемые дни старой подписки
И при этом с карты списывается сумма за 1 месяц новой подписки. Сразу же делаем отмену новой подписки (по их правилам в течении вроде как двух недель после оформления подписки можно от нее отказаться с полным возвратом денег и без свякого штрафа) и получаем полный возврат денег за новую подписку. Бонусом получаем один месяц действующей подписки на тот вариант который вы оформили взамен старой.
Ответ написан
А я не стал бузить )

Himanka: Thank you for contacting Adobe membership services
Himanka: Please stay on the line while I check your membership status and savings that you are entitled to. While these details load, I’d love to know why you first chose Adobe?
Himanka: Are we still connected?
Вячеслав: Because you are the coolest )
Вячеслав: Yes
Himanka: Thanks, Before proceeding,may I have your phone number, which I can update in your account?
Вячеслав: +7*****
Himanka: Thank you for the information, As I can see you have Creative Cloud Photography plan (one-year), right?
Вячеслав: Yes
Himanka: To understand and serve you better, may I know what concerns do you have related to your membership?
Himanka: Are we still connected?
Вячеслав: No problem
Himanka: May I know How can I help you with your subscription?
Вячеслав: please disable it
Himanka: As per my understanding you want to cancel Creative Cloud Photography plan (one-year), right?
Вячеслав: Yes
Himanka: May I know why you want to cancel it?
Вячеслав: There is no financial ability to pay for the service, in addition, it has risen.
Himanka: Okay, But as I can see you were in annual commitment , the price increase will be applicable on your renewal date of your subscription i.e after 23 June 2017
Himanka: As You were in annual commitment , If you cancel the subscription before the end of tenure, It will charge you cancellation fees
Himanka: So Iwould suggest you tro complete the tenure and cancel it in the last month i.e between 26 May 2017 and 20 June 2017
Вячеслав: Yes, I know about it, but I can not pay unfortunately.
Himanka: please allow me 2-3 min, so that I can check what best I can do for you?
Вячеслав: I certainly subscribe again, but when hard times come on
Himanka: I understand,as you are honorable customer of Adobe I have requested my higher level to cancel the subscription for you without any cancellation fees
Himanka: Please allow me 1-2 min, so That I can forward the request for cancellation
Вячеслав: Thanks you
Himanka: Okay, I have forwarded the request
Himanka: It will be cancelled within 1-2 workin days
Вячеслав: Many thanks
Himanka: This is the case number-0221306
Himanka: Is there anything else I can help you with?
Вячеслав: Nothing else God bless!
Himanka: Thank you , Have a nice day
Himanka: You may receive an email with our Customer Feedback Survey. The survey takes less than 2 minutes and I would really appreciate your feedback.
Himanka: Thank you for contacting Adobe. We are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Goodbye!
Ответ написан
Спасибо всем советчикам!
Я тоже не стал ругаться и просто уточнил, можно ли отменить подписку без штрафа:

Manpreet: If you are willing to cancel your subscription,then there will be Early Termination Fee.
Sergey Ivanov: Can it be done without fees?
Manpreet: Please allow me 1-2 minute(s) to review your account details.
Manpreet: Please stay connected while I cancel this for you and waive off the Fee.
Manpreet: I have successfully cancel your subscription and waive off the cancellation fee and your confirmation case number is...
Ответ написан
В июле 2019 получилось отменить подписку так:

Hello! I have Acrobat Pro DC annual plan an I'd like to cancel it. Could you please cancel it?
Adobe Customer Care Assistant

Ok. I want to make sure I understand clearly. Which category below best describes your issue?
Cancel a plan


Hello, I'll be happy to assist you. I understand you want to cancel your plan, may I know reason of cancellation?
I have an old x86 Windows XP system, and Acrobat Pro DC doesn't support it

If you wish to continue using the subscription then I can add 3 free months to it, this means you will not be charged for next 3 months and you can use the subscription for free for 3 months, how does that sound?
no thanks. I can't use it because my hardware is too old.

Okay I will go ahead and cancel your plan.
Sorry to see you go. While I process your cancellation, I want to let you know that you still have access to several free Adobe products, such as Adobe Spark or XD. I hope you'll use Adobe products again in the future.
Thank you very much for help

Your plan has been cancelled you will receive an email confirming the same.
I hope that helped. You'll receive an email with a survey link. Please take a moment to rate your experience and help us improve. Thanks!
Ответ написан
Александр Бельков, красавчик, я тоже воспользовался твоей перепиской и сайтом консультант+, отменил себе 9 месяцев подписки без штрафов
Ответ написан
Пыталась сделать по хорошему, договориться, но так и пришлось статью копировать из закона. Всё удачно)1079a8b41850415c8cf2d150ec18c03e.png

info: Thank you for contacting Adobe membership services. You will be attended to shortly.
info: You are now chatting with 'Shivangi'
Shivangi: Thank you for contacting Adobe Membership Services, my name is Shivangi. How can I help you today??
ulia koshkina: Hello, I'd like to cancel Creative Cloud Photography plan (one-year)
Shivangi: May I know the reason of cancellation?
ulia koshkina: There is no financial ability to pay for the service. And, moreover, I don't work with photoes anymore.
Shivangi: Please allow me 1-2 minutes to review your account details.
Shivangi: As I can check you are remaining with 10 months of subscription
Shivangi: Also I would like to inform you are in annual contract and monthly billing subscription so I would like to inform you If you will cancel the subscription in between your contract there will be early termination fee that would be 50 percent of remaining months.
ulia koshkina: Can it be done without fees?
Shivangi: I sincerely apologize you are under annual contract if you cancel it then there will be a cancellation charge
Shivangi: I would like to suggest you keep the subscription with you instead of paying cancellation fee
ulia koshkina: I checked it: an article 32 of the RF Law "On protection of consumer rights" Right of the consumer to refusal of execution of the contract on performance of works (rendering of services) the Consumer is entitled to refuse performance of the contract on performance of works (rendering of services) at any time subject to payment to the executor the actually incurred expenses associated with the performance of its obligations under this agreement.
Shivangi: As an one time exception, I have cancelled your subscription and waive off your cancellation fee
Shivangi: Is there anything else I can help you with?
Shivangi: Are we still connected?
ulia koshkina: Yes
ulia koshkina: Many thanks!
Shivangi: You can use it till the end of this month
Shivangi: Is there anything else I can help you with?
ulia koshkina: No. thank you
Shivangi: Thank you for contacting Adobe. We are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Goodbye!
Ответ написан
atypical programmer
Вот только что полез в этот чат. Написал "Hello, i want to cancel my subscription". Она спросила причину отказа, пара уточняющих вопросов и получил "I have placed the cancellation request. You will receive a cancellation confirmation email once it is canceled. As it is prepaid plan so, you will be able to use it till before 01 Mar 2018.". Все оказалось очень легко.
Ответ написан
Интересно, а с кого-нибудь вообще взяли штраф хоть раз? Такое впечатление, что штрафом только запугивают. Например, чтобы люди подумали, что в любом случае придется платить, и не отказывались от подписки сразу, а сделали это только в конце года. Я, например, вообще согласился заплатить штраф, но с меня ничего не взяли (якобы в виде исключения). Как вам нравится такая переписка:


Subrata: Thank you for contacting Adobe membership services.
Subrata: I am reviewing your issue. Please stay online and do not close the chat window or browser in order to ensure our chat session is not interrupted.
Subrata: Thank you for your patience.
Subrata: As per your chat submission, I understand that you need help with the cancelation for the plan Creative Cloud Photography plan, Is that correct?
Дмитрий Нестеров: Yes
Subrata: Okay, let me check your subscription plan and I will try my best to help you. One moment please.
Дмитрий Нестеров: Ok, thanks
Subrata: You are welcome.
Subrata: May I know the reason of cancellation please ?
Дмитрий Нестеров: I do not use Photoshop at the moment, switched to Affinity Photo.
Subrata: I would like to inform you that you get option of digital photo processing and editing for photography plan. You get lightroom, photoshop and adobe bridge to use.
Дмитрий Нестеров: I know, thanks. I still want to cancel the subscription.
Subrata: I believe that you are aware of the Annual commitment, monthly billing because of which you get the subscription at the lowest possible discounted price. So If I go ahead and cancel the subscription now, I see a cancelation fee of RUB 6079.36.
Дмитрий Нестеров: Ok, tell me what to do
Subrata: So, you agree to pay for the cancellation fee.
Дмитрий Нестеров: Yes
Subrata: Okay. One moment please.
Subrata: Okay. I have canceled the plan for you and waived off the cancellation fee as an exception.
Дмитрий Нестеров: ok, thank you
Ответ написан
Связываемся с банком, говорим что сайт не хочет отменять подписку, вменяемый банк сам предложит перевыпуск карты по компроментации бесплатно. Если у вас не вменяемый - попросите сами сделать перевыпуск (но это может быть не бесплатно).
Ответ написан
Просто там стоит скрипт взимающий оплату с карт..
Всё настроено на автоматику, отключать - вручную, лезть на сервер, корректировать.. им - или лень, или специалистов не хватает для отключения..
Ответ написан
Октябрь 2019. День списания платы за подписку, шел третий месяц. Списание не прошло, так как на карте не было достаточного количества средств. Пишу в чат, сперва общение идёт с ботом, после ключевого слова переключают на оператора. Изучив тред, пришел к выводу, что апеллировать к закону РФ - самая выгодная стратегия, так оно и вышло:

Hi. I am the Adobe Customer Care virtual assistant. Tell me what you need help with. I'll do my best to understand and find the right person to assist you.

Hi. Within the article 32 of the RF Law "On protection of consumer rights" I want to cancel my plan without any fee.

(The article 32 of the RF Law "On protection of consumer rights": Right of the consumer to refusal of execution of the contract on performance of works (rendering of services) the Consumer is entitled to refuse performance of the contract on performance of works (rendering of services) at any time subject to payment to the executor the actually incurred expenses associated with the performance of its obligations under this agreement)

Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant
I'm still learning. Could you describe the issue differently or tell me your goal?

Cancel plan

Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant
Ok. Connecting you to an agent who can help.
Connecting you with a specialist as soon as possible.
You are now connected to Niharika, who is reviewing your account. If you need to share sensitive information, such as credit card number, please wait for your agent to give you steps to share it securely.

Hello, I'll be happy to assist you with cancellation. May I know why you wish to cancel your subscription?

Unfortunately, Adobe programs are unstable and the service is generally not adapted to the Russian-speaking market. For example, we correspond with each other in English. As a designer, it is more profitable for me to switch to other software where I can work stably, work with Cyrillic and so on.

If you would like to continue with the subscription, I can offer a free credit of 90 days on the subscription allowing you time to explore our product, that means you will not have to pay for next 3 months. How does that sound to you?

Thank you very much for this offer, but I refuse it.

OK, I’ll go ahead and complete the cancellation. Just give me a couple of minutes.
The Subscription Cancelled Successfully.

Thank you for your help, Niharika!

Happy to help. You'll receive an email with a survey link. Please take a moment to rate your experience and help us improve. Thanks!
Ответ написан
вот моя переписка, возможно поможет:

Today 7:05 PM
Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant
Hi. I am the Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant. Tell me what you need help with. I'll do my best to understand and find the right person to assist you.
Hello, please cancel my subscription
Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant
Ok. I can help you with that.
To cancel your trial, click the link:
We'll send a confirmation email if you complete the process.
Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant
Were you successful?
Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant
You can see personalized offers and cancel your trial quickly if you follow the link:
We'll send a confirmation email if you complete the process.
Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant
Did that help?
Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant
Ok. Transferring you to an agent who can help. They'll be able to pick up our chat where we’ve left off.
Are you a student whose school is no longer providing remote COVID lab access? We have options for students and recent graduates. Update for Students and Faculty
Your estimated wait time is currently less than one minute
Your estimated wait time is currently less than one minute
Your estimated wait time is currently less than one minute
You are now connected to Pooja Saidas, who is reviewing your account. If you need to share sensitive information, such as credit card number, please wait for your agent to give you steps to share it securely.
hello, please cancel my subscription
i tried trial - but i dont want to continue anymore
so please - cancel my subscription
to expensive for me
Pooja Saidas
Hello Анжела, I'll be happy to assist you with your cancellation request. May I know if you wish to explore any other products or plans with us?
no, thanks
just cancel my subscription please
Pooja Saidas
Alright. Let me go ahead and cancel the trial plan on your account and confirm
thanks, waiting you here
Pooja Saidas
Thank you for your patience. I have successfully cancelled the trial plan for Illustrator on your account and you will receive an email confirming the cancellation.
thank you
Pooja Saidas
In case you wish to use any of our products or services, we will be more than happy to serve you again.

Happy to help. You'll receive an email with a survey link. Please take a moment to rate your experience and help us improve. Thanks!
Ответ написан
Привет всем)
Меня настигла та же проблема, подписалась, не ипользовала, а деньги списывались.
Спасибо ребятам, взяла у вас ответы и вот моя переписка, может кому-то пригодится.

Hi. I am the Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant. Tell me what you need help with. I'll do my best to understand and find the right person to assist you.

-I have purchased a 1-year product subscription After Effects.

-I cannot use this program because my computer does not meet the specifications for using it. I want to cancel my subscription without penalty, as I was not offered any other option when I signed up. For example, monthly payment without an annual subscription, so that I can unsubscribe at any time.
Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant
You want to cancel your plan. Is that right?
Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant
Ok. I can help you with that.
To cancel your plan, click the link:
We'll send a confirmation email if you complete the process.
Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant
Were you successful?
2:02 PM
Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant
You can see personalized offers and cancel your plan quickly if you follow the link:
We'll send a confirmation email if you complete the process.
2:05 PM
-They demand a fine of $ 104, which I consider illegal
Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant
Did that help?
Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant
Would you like to chat with an agent?
-Yes, chat with an agent
-Yes, chat with an agent
Adobe Customer Care Virtual Assistant
Ok. Connecting you to an agent who can help.
Connecting you with a specialist as soon as possible.
Your estimated wait time is currently less than one minute
Hello. Anushka is your support representative today, and is reviewing the chat conversation so far. If you need to share sensitive information, such as credit card number, please wait for them to give you steps to share it securely.
Hello, I'd be happy to help you today. let me first pull up your account information and access your details
Thank you for your patience, I see you have an active subscription for After Effects on an Annual Contract / Monthly Payment plan on the account.

May I know why you wish to cancel your subscription?
Read Entire Message
2:12 PM
-Hello. I want to cancel my 1 year After Affects subscription because I am not technically able to use it. And also when subscribing, I was not offered several options, for example, a monthly subscription, so that I could unsubscribe at any time.
-I want to cancel my subscription without paying a penalty
2:15 PM
Инесса , since you mentioned you are facing technical issue I can help you connect with technical support so that we can get your issue sorted and your apps up and running.

and also once the issue is solved I can help you with 3 free months on the subscription so that you get to use the subscription for free.

Firstly Shall I connect you with technical support?
Read Entire Message
-This problem is not solvable, since I will have to buy a new computer. I bought a trial program at work. Now I no longer work there and do not need the program
Инесса ,I want to let you know that ,You can install the product on up to two devices, but you can use them on only one device at a time. Find more information here:https://helpx.adobe.com/download-install/usin...

so as mentioned before with 3 free months offer you can use the subscription on other device too.
Read Entire Message
-According to the Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Rights", I have the right at any time to refuse to fulfill the contract for the performance of work (provision of services), subject to the payment of the actual costs incurred to the contractor related to the fulfillment of their obligations under this agreement.
Read Entire Message
-I want to cancel my After Affects subscription without paying a penalty because I don't think it's legal. I was not given a choice of a plan when I signed up.
Yes I understand but based on Adobe policies cancellation fee is same to all customer globally

Prior to placing an order, you have agreed to the Terms and Conditions, which included the Cancellation policy. Please go through the link 'https://www.adobe.com/in/legal/subscription-terms.html' to know the T&C you have agreed before the purchase. Also, immediate after the order was placed, we have sent an order confirmation email on 8/4/2021, 7:53:51 PM, which included, Plan term, Cancellation & Refund Policy.

all these terms was mentioned when you initially signed up by you ,for more options on plan please refer to www.adobe.com

I have resent the email for your reference please check
Read Entire Message
-Yes, but You provide services on the territory of the UKRAINE, the agreement contradicts the legislation of the UKRAINE.
Yes but Adobe follows its policies irrespective of the Country.
-Yes, but this does not absolve Adobe from liability for violating the laws of the countries in which it applies. Do I need to solve this problem only through the court?
Our terms and conditions haven't changed; please review them here: https://www.adobe.com/legal/subscription-terms.html. Per your plan, a cancellation fee of 50% of your remaining months applies.

If you wish to use any other product under adobe please share requirement we can can help you with best discounted plan under that product a per your requirement.
Read Entire Message
-Why does Adobe choose the plan for me? I was not offered a choice of a plan in which you can pay monthly without an annual subscription and this is also a violation of information legislation, since information about a service or product must be complete
As one time goodwill gesture , I have canceled the subscription for you without fee and you will not be charged further regarding the subscription.

And I want to let you know that you still have access 11th of October 2021 and you will also receive cancellation confirmation Email shortly.
-Thank you for your understanding and time spent with me.
Happy to help. You may receive an email with a survey link. Please take a moment to rate your experience and help us improve. Thanks!
Conversation ended
Ответ написан
Я апеллировал к санкциям и закону о защите прав потребителей.

You are now connected to Vikash, who is reviewing your account. If you need to share sensitive information, such as credit card number, please wait for your agent to give you steps to share it securely.
Good afternoon. I have Photography annual plan an I'd like to cancel it. Could you please cancel it with out fee? I am from Belarus and Adobe joined the sanctions against Belarus and Russia. Now we must use national software (very sad news). Thus, I no longer need a subscription due to the company's policy regarding my country. I also studied consumer protection law in our country. You provide services in our country, then the laws of our country apply to our relationship. Paragraph 38 of the law on the protection of consumer rights reads "The consumer has the right to unilaterally refuse to execute the contract for the performance of work (provision of services), subject to payment to the contractor of the expenses actually incurred by him, unless otherwise provided by law." Given all of the above - the company's policy towards my country and local law - I ask you to cancel my subscription without incurring a penalt (fee).
Hello, I'd be happy to help you today, let me first pull up your account information and access your details.
Thank you for your time and patience. As I check in your account you have active subscription of Photography plan (20GB). As I understand that you wish to cancel your subscription.
That's right, cancel with no penalty (fee). For the reasons I stated in the letter.
Thanks for your patience. Give me a few more minutes to find the right solution for you.
Let me go ahead and cancel your subscription and waive off cancellation fee.
Yes, you can cancel my subscription with out cancellation fee, please
I have successfully canceled your subscription and waived off cancellation fee. You will receive an email confirmation for cancellation.
Ответ написан
Как отменить подписку Адоб без штрафа 2022

Мой опыт:
Заходим на Твитер службы поддержки адоб https://twitter.com/adobecare
Пишем в лс что хотим отменить подписку без неустойки
Вот мой диалог
So I can't change my card for another one. I had my ex-boyfriend's card listed. Now we've broken up and he won't be able to pay for my lightroom anymore. My card cannot be linked. Hence, I need to cancel my subscription without commission, as the commission is illegal. I can cancel the purchase at any time if I wish .
Thanks for sharing this information. I do see that we were not able to successfully charge your account for the November payment. We will cancel your subscription and follow up here with more details when that's done. ^ES

Я: Thanks

I confirm that I have canceled your plan and waived the termination fee. Please let us know if you have any other questions. ^ES

Итог- подписка отменилась сразу же после их Сообщения. Ничего не списали.

Надеюсь кому то поможет
Ответ написан
Друзья, привет! Мне очень помог этот сайт! Столкнулся с такой же проблемой, забыл отменить план в первые 30 дней и каждый месяц Adobe стучался, на карте денег не было. Написал в саппорт, на связь вышел некий Toli. Думал что сейчас по человечески решу вопрос, но этот агент оказался тем еще фруктом) Посмотрите как он мне начал впаривать сначала скидку, а потом вообще сообщил что отменит только если я заплачу 151 долл. Как же хорошо что я видел эту ветку на хабре ранее! Апелляция к закону очень помогла, а так бы я действительно растерялся. Только гляньте как он сразу же слился) Ниже моя переписка, кому интересно.

Hello, I'd be happy to help you today, let me first pull up your account information and access your details.

Thank you for your patience, and I hope that you are keeping safe and healthy. I understand that you would like to cancel Adobe Stock – 10 assets a month as you only need occasionally, correct?

Hello Toli! Yes

A few months ago, I connected a plan in your stock for 30 days. My memory completely failed me and I forgot to turn it off. Could you please cancel the plan?

Thanks for confirming! Please give me a moment while I find a solution for you. Thanks for your patience.

Thank you for staying connected. I'd like to offer you the Adobe Stock – 10 assets a month at an exclusive price of USD 19.99/month.

With this discounted offer, you will be paying USD 19.99/month for the complete year instead of the standard price of USD 29.99/month with a combined saving of USD 10.00/month. How does that sound to you?

Sounds good, thanks for the offer. But at the moment I can't pay and would like to cancel the plan please.

I understand that you wish to cancel. I'm here to help. As checked I see that the bill for the month of June is pending. Hence, If you wish I can help you with 2 free months so that you do not have to pay anything now as well as the pending bill will be waived allowing you to use the service for free. How does that sound to you?

Will I be able to cancel the plan in my account? My main goal is to cancel the plan unfortunately. I just forgot to do it in the first 30 days(

I can go ahead and cancel this plan. However, since the plan is for an annual commitment, Per your plan, a cancellation fee of 50% of your remaining months applies. The cancellation fee on your account stands at USD 151.15. Let me know if I can proceed with cancellation?

I understand the cancellation fee is a lot of money and we would also not want you to pay such a huge amount, just for canceling the services. The above offers were made so that you can continue using the services and save big.

Minute please

Sure, take your time

Article 32 of the RF Law "On protection of consumer rights" Right of the consumer to refusal of execution of the contract on performance of works (rendering of services) the Consumer is entitled to refuse performance of the contract on performance of works (rendering of services) at any time subject to payment to the executor the actually incurred expenses associated with the performance of its obligations under this agreement.

Your offer doesn't work for me. I just want to cancel a plan that I'm not using.

Adobe values you as a customer, so I’m going to cancel the subscription and waive your cancellation fee. We hope you'll use Adobe products again in the future.

Thank you, for allowing us the time to share the exclusive offers available on your account. As per your decision, we have cancelled the Adobe Stock – 10 assets a month.

Thank you for being our customer and allowing us the opportunity to serve you. We hope you would consider us as your creative partner in any future ventures. Is there anything else I can help you with?

Thanks a lot! No, as long as you don't need help. Hope to work with you again!

Happy to help. You may receive an email with a survey link. Please take a moment to rate your experience and help us improve. Thanks!
Ответ написан
Аналогично, всё получилось даже без цитирования ЗоЗПП. Сказал, мол, финансовая ситуация изменилась, план оплачивать не могу и штраф тоже, так что куд ю ассист ми плиз? И просто отменили. Писал в личные сообщения в твитор https://twitter.com/AdobeCare, как выше посоветовали. Также спасибо всем вам, а то я чет поначалу выпал в осадок от таких штрафов.

Hi there,
Here to help! I'm sorry that the termination fee has surprised you. When you purchase an annual subscription, you are committing to a 12-month contract that renews yearly. When you cancel before the 12 months are completed, you are charged a lump sum amount of 50% of your remaining contract obligation. You can review the legal terms of our subscription policy here: https://adobe.ly/3KMq8eZ If you send us your Adobe ID(email), I can take a look at your subscription and investigate further!

9:10 PM
I apologize, but my financial situation has changed, and I am currently unable to continue paying for the plan. Additionally, I am unable to afford the cancellation fee. Could you please assist me with this?

My email is ***

9:15 PM
Thank you for sharing your Adobe ID. I am happy to help with cancellation without a fee. However, before proceeding, we need to verify your account.
As per our authentication process, I sent you an email with a 6-digit code.
Would you mind checking your emails and confirming the code back to me?
We'll be able to assist you further as soon as the account verification is complete.

9:21 PM
Here is the verification code: ***

9:25 PM
Thanks for the verification. I've successfully cancelled the plan under the case number ***. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

9:31 PM
I sincerely thank you! Your willingness to help is admirable, and I will definitely come back to you when the opportunity arises!

9:35 PM
You're welcome! If you have any additional questions or experience any issues, feel free to reach out anytime. We are happy to help!
Ответ написан
Отменили без проблем через https://twitter.com/AdobeCare
Ответ написан
Всем спасибо, кто посоветовал обратиться к поддержке в личном сообщении https://twitter.com/AdobeCare. Оформил годовую подписку с месячной оплатой Фотошоп и Иллюстратор. Один раз уже так оформлял и успел отменить план подписки на странице своего аккаунта Adobe. А в тот раз не успел и стали выставлять ежемесячный счет. Через пять дней попросил в личном сообщении отменить подписку без комиссии по причине возникших проблем с финансами. После вводных вопросов соединили с агентом который уже был в курсе вопроса. Сообщил Adobe ID, получил код подтверждения на почту и подписку отменили. Пишите любую простую причину для отмены подписки - украли деньги, взорвался комп и т.д. Они помогут, проверено только что. Не затягивайте и не копите задолженность.
Ответ написан
Спасибо добрые люди, с вашей помощью получилось отменить подписку без штрафа)
Делал подписку на Creative Cloud 2 месяца назад, сейчас решил отменить и сильно удивился, когда увидел, что нужно разово заплатить 9тыс рублей...
Главный аргумент для отмены был закон о защите прав потребителей, вот текст переписки:

Hello, I'd be happy to help you today, let me first pull up your account information and access your details.

Good afternoon Neha, I would like to cancel my Adobe Creative Cloud subscription, with no early cancellation fee.
Can you please help me to do this?

Thank you!

I appreciate your patience.

I hope you are doing well today.

I would like to inform you that you have an active subscription of Creative Cloud All Apps 100GB purchased on 02 Sep 2023 under Annual Commitment / Monthly Billing. May I why you wish to cancel the plan?
If you are facing any technical issues, or price-related issues or any other service-related issues let me know so that I can help you in the best way possible.

Read Entire Message
And you do not have to worry about the huge cancelation fee that is visible to you on the website.
I will take care of that for you.
leave it to me.

And you do not have to worry about the huge cancelation fee that is visible to you on the website.
I will take care of that for you.
leave it to me.

Good, Thank you

May I why you wish to cancel the plan?
If you are facing any technical issues, or price-related issues or any other service-related issues let me know so that I can help you in the best way possible.

I've been learning how to shoot and edit videos, but unfortunately I can't find time for that at all right now.

Alright, thank you for letting me know. I am here to help you today, but before proceeding further
let me inform you do not have to worry about the cancelation fee and let me break this brilliant news to you.

It's a good thing to inform us about the cancellation fee you saw on the website.

The good news is the entire plan is free for you.
Adobe will take care of your billing till 31 January 2024

You can upskill yourself at any time without getting a single charge.
I will also share the tutorial links with you which are exclusive, rare and formulated here at Adobe by Experts so that you can navigate new features and explore new ways to make 100% use of the application.

I assure you the free months with the added cherry on the cake which are the tutorials will benefit you in enhancing your creativity.

The free months will help you to save money.

Shall I proceed and apply free exclusive months to your subscription?

12:08 PM
Thank you very much, but I want to cancel my subscription. I don't use the programmes at all.

You are our valuable customer and you are our first priority to us The reason why I fetched the free 90 days (about 3 long months) is so that your plan, which is under annual paid/monthly billing, will not incur the cancellation fee if you cancel it before renewal and if you cancel it today then the cancellation fee would be applicable which I personally don’t want you to go through therefore I am trying to help you by applying free 3 months and there will not be any charge for those three months. And it's better to use free exclusive services which we rarely get out of luck rather than paying the cancellation fee. The free months will help you to save money and in completing the tenure as well. May I know how you wish to proceed further?

Referring to the Consumer Protection Act. You are obliged to cancel the subscription without any penalty. I don't want to pay for the subscription anymore, cancel it for free or the court will be on my side and you may incur more losses.

Kindly help us with the details to arrange a call back for you-
Preferred Mobile No-
Preferred Time-
Time Zone-
You will get a call at the time you specified in next 15- 20 minutes from our agent.

We will address this at an intricate level and clarify your grievances.

We understand your issue.
Kindly provide the above-mentioned details so that we address and deal with this

We don't need to call, we can have a dialogue in this chat. My only request is to cancel my Creative Cloud subscription, without applying a cancellation fee.

Alright, allow me a moment so that I can proceed with the changes, I'll request you to please stay connected.

Okay, Thank you

You must have received an email regarding the cancelation and refund . Can you confirm that for me please?

No, I didn't read the letter. Your company's actions look like fraud, so I demand cancellation.

I hope you have read the email I have just sent you.

It has been cancelled for you whereas you still have access to it till 02 Nov 2023.

The entire plan remains: inactive and cancelled now.

The email confirms that it is canceled.
kindly go through it.

12:32 PM
I'm sorry, but I don't see a letter from you on my email

Sometimes these emails have a tendency to land up in spam and junk. So keep an eye on all the emails you receive from Adobe so that no email goes unnoticed, and this is a proper exchange of information.

I have marked the email which is as follows.

Greetings from Adobe!
We wish to inform you that you have contacted us for subscription cancellation. We would like to inform you that we have successfully canceled the subscription of Creative cloud all apps for you

The letter has arrived, thank you very much.
Ответ написан
Спасибо всем за мотивацию, ругалась с консультантом Adobe, в итоге вернули деньги за последний платёж и отменили штраф (около 100 евро). Я в другой стране, поэтому на законы рф опираться не получилось бы, но и без этого получилось их задолбать. Мне подписка для учёбы нужна была, проект не удалось вовремя закончить, пришлось купить подписку (а так как вариантов не было, годовую с ежемесячной оплатой, так как мне нужны были три программы - InDesign, Photoshop и Illustrator). Теперь вот отменить хотела, так как вдобавок списали за продление со счёта 20 евро, а это была часть моей ежегодной стипендии. В общем, пообещали вернуть в течении 5-7 рабочих дней. Это самая неудобная система подписок из всех, которыми я когда-либо пользовалась. Тот же амазон без проблем отменяется (в течении 14 дней вроде) и возвращает сумму оплаты, автоматически, уже как-то от них отписывалась. Самое грустное в том, что я учусь на граф. дизайнера, мне с Adobe ещё долго мучиться. Но пока отстали, на том спасибо. Третий раз уже с их поддержкой ругаюсь. На этот раз "в качестве жеста доброй воли мы вернём вам деньги". Грустно, но похоже что тех. поддержка работает исключительно на английском (даже для Европы), это очень неудобно. Договорится всё равно получилось, видимо ассистент и через гугл тренслейт (частично им пользовалась чтоб убедиться в правильности того что мне отвечают и того что отвечаю я, к сожалению не так уверена в своём уровне английского, хотя ответы в большинстве понимала и так) прочувствовал всю степень моего возмущения и недовольства. Пытался апеллировать к изменению в политике компании с первого июня этого года, но они мне об этом не сообщили. Видимо поняли что я в любом случае от них не отстану. В общем, спасибо всем кто писал свои истории за мотивацию)) Ужасный сервис подписок, просто отвратительный. У меня, если что, ежемесячный платёж составлял 20 евро (независимо от курса моей валюты), и за этот месяц с меня списали на 12% больше чем за прошлый. Обидно было. Думала даже оставить ещё этот месяц, но увидев в аккаунте штраф за отмену, поняла что не оставлю из принципа. Всем добра, в любом случае пишите ассистентам в тех. поддержку, скорее всего у вас получится их задолбать и добиться возврата средств и отмены штрафа!)
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