var foo = new Func('foo');
var bar = new Func('bar');
console.log(foo.sayHi === bar.sayHi);
<input type="password" autocomplete="off">
autocomplete HTML5
This attribute indicates whether the value of the control can be automatically completed by the browser. This attribute is ignored if the value of the type attribute is hidden, password, checkbox, radio, file, or a button type (button, submit, reset, image). Possible values are:
off: The user must explicitly enter a value into this field for every use, or the document provides its own auto-completion method; the browser does not automatically complete the entry.
on: The browser can automatically complete the value based on values that the user has entered during previous uses.
Feature Requests
Feature requests for future versions of ECMAScript should not be made in this repository. To make a feature request, post to the es-discuss mailing list. Your goal will be to convince others that your proposal is a useful addition to the language and recruit TC39 members to help turn your request into a proposal and shepherd it into the language.
Этот метод можно вызвать без ключа доступа. Возвращаются только общедоступные данные.