⇒ logrt["/home/zabbix/logs/^logfile[0-9]{1,3}$",,,100] → will match a file like "logfile1" (will not match ".logfile1")
⇒ logrt["/home/user/^logfile_.*_[0-9]{1,3}$","pattern_to_match","UTF-8",100] → will collect data from files such "logfile_abc_1" or "logfile__001".
Core 2 Quad Q9550(2.83GHz,1333FSB,L2:12MB,rev.C1) ALL 0603
We can test UDP only by application. It's not TCP.
For TCP/IP definitions, UDP can't be monitored by single check.
Look why:
TCP makes an 3 way handshake, because this you'll get a Listening TCP port on your server and could establish connections to then without using a client specific packet.
Otherwise, UDP don't make this connection. The server receive the client package and responds without establishing connection.
Also, Zabbix can monitor UDP packets if the Crew could implement some pre-defined services (DNS and others) doing the check using a specific packet to check availability(Ex: DNS query of www.zabbix.com).
Не совсем понятно как вы хотите организовать два массива, каждый из которых предполагает как минимум наличие двух дисков, на двух дисках???