In a case or default clause, the last non-empty statement may be a (possibly labeled) "fallthrough" statement to indicate that control should flow from the end of this clause to the first statement of the next clause
class DocumentUserRepository extends EntityRepository
public function findByUserAccountDocument(array $users, $account, $document)
return $this->createQueryBuilder('a')
->andWhere('a.user IN (:users)')->setParameter('users', $users)
->andWhere('a.account = :account')->setParameter('account', $account)
->andWhere('a.document = :document')->setParameter('document', $document)
let Price2 = 0;
if (!roofpt) Price2 = 5500;
else Price2 = 7900;
let Price2 = 0;
Price2 = (roofpt) ? 7900 : 5200;
arr.filter(n => n % 10 === 4)
// или
arr.filter(n => '', 4))
// или
arr.filter(n => `${n}`.slice(-1) === '4')
// или
arr.filter(n => /4$/.test(n))
// или
(`${arr}`.match(/\d*4(?=\D|$)/g) || []).map(Number)