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Junior Python

А какие инструменты backup файлового хранилища у вас?

Интересуют бесплатные инструменты резервного копирования(средствами windows тоже подойдет). Я это делаю с помощью утилиты robocopy по расписанию и кажется, что это уже морально устарело...Может есть что-то принципиально надежнее и интереснее?
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средствами windows тоже подойдет

Теневые копии (предыдущие версии файлов не выключены) и стандартное архивирование.

морально устарело

"Мораль"... как много в этом слове... намешано ... ну всякого ж дерьма.
Работает? Хорошо работает? Есть просит? Проблемы были? Если нет - забей! Пусть хоть один "маркетолог" сдохнет с голоду!
Ответ написан
Здесь отвечаю на вопросы.
средствами windows тоже подойдет
Ответ написан
Есть отличное встроенное средство - Windows Backup. Или wbadmin.exe
Ответ написан
Ответ написан
Юзаю MirrorFolder (40$) несколько лет. Затраты окупились как никогда, когда внезапно "вылетел" диск!
Major Features
  1. Simple, intuitive and easy user interface (UI) program to setup and manage mirror folders. Optionally integrates with Windows Explorer for setting up of mirror through property page of a folder.
  2. Works on "Setup and Forget" principle, i.e., once you setup mirror(s) for a folder/drive, synchronization/mirroring will be done automatically in the background saving your valuable time.
  3. Runs as a service in the background using very little system resources, e.g., CPU time, memory, etc., for mirroring and synchronization.
  4. Supports mirroring/synchronization of a folder/drive to multiple destinations each with different options.
  5. Supports mirroring entire system drive to another internal drive in RAID-1 mode so that you may boot from the mirror drive without any lose of data in case the source drive fails.
  6. Supports mirroring/synchronization on all kinds of drives, e.g., fixed local drives, network drives on LAN/VPN, removable USB/eSATA drives, etc. Synchronization from network drive to local/network drive is supported with limited options.
  7. Supports mirroring exclusively opened files in real-time mirroring (RAID-1 type) mode. Copying opened files in other synchronizing modes is done using Windows Volume Shadow Copy Service APIs.
  8. Built-in scheduler for automatic synchronization and archiving of mirror folders at specified time interval, or at specified times.
  9. Supports automatic synchronization of mirror folders at idle time, system startup, shutdown, logon, logoff, or when a removable/network drive is connected.
  10. Option to perform multiple synchronizations in separate threads with different priority. Option is available to perform multi-threaded synchronization on multi core/CPU systems.
  11. Supports bi-directional synchronization option.
  12. Supports use of NTFS Change Journals data for fast synchronization of folders containing very large number of files.
  13. Supports copying of NTFS alternate named streams, file permissions, extended attributes, sparse files, encrypted files, reparse point, symbolic link, etc.
  14. Mirrors files at byte level in real-time mirroring (RAID-1 type) mode by default. Option to copy files differentially at block level in other synchronization modes.
  15. Supports extensive filtering options for both source and destination folders to include/exclude certain sub-folders and file types respectively.
  16. Supports archiving of older and deleted versions of files from the mirror folder in a series of standard ZIP files into a third location, i.e., outside source and mirror folders.
  17. Supports limiting disk/network bandwidth and CPU priority used during background synchronization.
  18. Option to send email notification on error/warning, and successful synchronization/archive operation.
  19. Optionally supports replication of file delete operation in all synchronization and mirroring modes.
  20. Easy user interface to find and restore files from multiple destination folders and ZIP files to a target folder at a chosen point of time.
  21. Easy user interface to compare file contents two folders byte-by-bye.
  22. Extensive logging of automatic/real-time synchronization, RAID-1 mirroring, archiving of mirror folders, and warning and errors.
  23. Supports importing and exporting of settings and logs in standard XML file format.
  24. Supports command line options to install the software, and setup mirrors on large number of destination computers automatically.
  25. Uses Unicode internally so that it can handle file/folder name in any languages supported by Windows.
  26. Multi-language user interface. Currently available languages are English, German, French, Danish, Spanish, Portuguese and Korean.
Ответ написан
никого не трогаю, починяю примус
Ответ написан
Дома из бесплатного давно использую cobian backup.
Ответ написан
офис/сервр под 100 машин
много чего пробовал (и пользовался не пару дней), cobian тоже .
Выявил недостатки во время эксп. переходил к следующему.
FileFreeSync https://freefilesync.org/ уже 3 года , доволен. фичи пилятся регулярно. с русским все ок
Ответ написан
если серверов больше, чем один. www.urbackup.org
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