Понимаю что вопрос старый, но может кому будет интересен мой опыт. Забанили с месяца два назад. Получил следующее письмо:
We are contacting you to let you know we have suspended your access to Upwork indefinitely. Our decision is based on a careful review and the fact that you have submitted a high number of proposals for jobs on our site without many contracts or earnings. Unfortunately, this means the jobs posted by clients are not a good match for your skills. I know this news is likely disappointing to you. But our goal at Upwork is to enable freelancers to successfully connect and collaborate with clients who need their skills and expertise. Unfortunately, this means we must part ways with freelancers whose skills are not in demand in our marketplace.
Написал в поддержку. Сказали что отправлял много proposals по работам, не подходящим мне. Хотя всё подходило. А за месяц я потратил максимум 30 коннектов, а то и меньше. В общем предложили обжаловать решение, задав два вопроса:
1. Why are you appealing our decision? Please include as many details as possible.
2. Do you have any additional education, skills or work experience that is not included on your profile? If so, please attach copies of relevant documents (diplomas, certificates, etc.) that verify that education, skill or experience.
В первом ответил что трачу кучу времени на изучение новых технологий. Подаю заявки только на интересные проекты, в Cover Latter пишу без копипаста конкретно по делу. По второму сказал, что недавно обновил профиль, и они могут посмотреть все мои навыки там.
Через часа три пришёл ответ:
I am writing to let you know we have reactivated your Upwork account.
Thank you for taking the time to submit your appeal. Upon further review, we have determined that we will be able to fully reinstate your account. Your account has been fully restored and you are once again able to submit proposals for jobs.
We appreciate your understanding and patience as we reviewed your account. For tips on submitting top-notch proposals, please check out “Submitting a Winning Proposal on Upwork,” in our Hiring Headquarters by clicking here.
Так что вероятность ошибки при бане высока и нужно обязательно писать в саппорт и обжаловать. Однако читал, что разбанить могут лишь раз. Но второй раз пощады не будет.
UPD. Нашёл статью.