note: preg_match is run on each line of input.
Если присвоить класс кнопке и обрабатывать по классу, то внутри обработчика не возможно получить уникальный id кнопки.
, а data-id
. function fineDate($time) {
if ($time >= strtotime('tomorrow + 1 day')) {
return date("d.m.Y в H:i", $time);
} else if ($time >= strtotime('tomorrow')) {
return "Завтра в ".date("H:i",$time);
} else if ($time >= strtotime('today')) {
return "Сегодня в ".date("H:i",$time);
} else if ($time >= strtotime('yesterday')) {
return "Вчера в ".date("H:i",$time);
return date("d.m.Y в H:i", $time);
It's compatible with libjpeg API and ABI, and can be used as a drop-in replacement for libjpeg.
We include a demo cjpeg tool, but it's not intended for serious use. We encourage authors of graphics programs to use MozJPEG's C API instead.