function mb_str_split($string) {
return array_map(function ($i) use ($string) {
return mb_substr($string,$i,1,"utf-8");
}, range(0, mb_strlen($string, "utf-8")-1));
function incode($string) {
return array_reduce(mb_str_split($string), function($result, $e) {
$convertedString = unpack("N", mb_convert_encoding($e, "UCS-4BE", "UTF-8"));
return $result . (is_array($convertedString) ? $convertedString[1] : '');
}, "");
.directive('myDirective', function () {
return function (scope, el, attr) {
scope.$watch('variable', function (text) {
console.log('$scope.variable = %s', text);
"free" means free format. The free bitrate must remain constant, an must be lower than the maximum allowed bitrate. Decoders are not required to support decoding of free bitrate streams.