according to the PostScript language syntax rules. It then assembles one
or more tokens to create a PostScript object—in other words, a data
value in the interpreter’s memory. Finally, the interpreter executes the
For example, when the scanner encounters a group of consecutive dig-
its surrounded by spaces or other separators, it assembles the digits into
a token and then converts the token into a number object represented
internally as a binary integer. The interpreter then executes this number
object; in this case, it pushes a copy of the number object on the oper-
and stack.
3.2.2 ASCII Encoding
The standard character set for ASCII-encoded PostScript language pro-
grams is the printable subset of the ASCII character set, plus the charac-
ters space, tab, and newline (return or line-feed). ASCII is the American
Standard Code for Information Interchange, a widely used convention
for encoding characters as binary numbers. ASCII encoding does not
prohibit the use of characters outside this set, but such use is not rec-
ommended because it impairs portability and may make transmission
and storage of PostScript language programs more difficult.
Note Control characters are often usurped by communications functions. Control
codes are device dependent—not part of the PostScript language. For example,
the serial communications protocol supported by many products uses the
Control-D character as an end-of-file indication. In such cases, Control-D is a
communications function and should not be part of a PostScript language
Table 3.1 Characters treated as white space
Octal Hex Decimal Name
000 00 0 Null (nul)
011 09 9 Tab (tab)
012 0A 10 Line-feed (LF)
014 0C 12 Form-feed (FF)
015 0D 13 Carriage-return (CR)
040 20 32 Space (SP)
Разве что у старого уже настолько села подсветка, что ее не хватает для комфортных настроек...