postgres: writer process
The writer a.k.a. background writer process
Note that we assume that the high level concept of “checkpoints” together with the checkpointer process and its parameters are already familiar to you (as it’s way more impactful compared to the writers). When not, I’d recommend digging into Postgres documentation here.
So to the writer. Introductory sentence in the documentation tells us:
There is a separate server process called the background writer, whose function is to issue writes of “dirty” (new or modified) shared buffers. It writes shared buffers so server processes handling user queries seldom or never need to wait for a write to occur. However, the background writer does cause a net overall increase in I/O load, because while a repeatedly-dirtied page might otherwise be written only once per checkpoint interval, the background writer might write it several times as it is dirtied in the same interval. …
In short – the writer moves some of the changed data (dirty buffers) already to the disk in the background, so that checkpoint process, happening at regular intervals, would have less work to do. All of this with the point that in the end user/application queries wouldn’t need to suffer too much when checkpointer kicks in with its heavy IO requirements, when there are lots of buffers to be processed or checkpoint_completion_target is set too small. All this is relevant of course only when we’re running a relatively busy database – for idling databases it wouldn’t be a problem at all.
select *
from events
date > current_timestamp - interval '1 hour'
and type in ('open', 'open_page_1')
and not exists (
select type from events e
where e.operation_id = events.operation_id
and type not in ('open', 'open_page_1')
select operation_id
from <table>
group by operation_id
having sum(case when type in ('open', 'open_page_1') then 1 else 3 end) = 2
min(ru) filter (where = 218) key1,
min(ru) filter (where = 219) key2,
min(ru) filter (where = 220) key3
from items i
left join item_fields fi on = fi.item_id and in (218, 219, 220)
group by, item_id
| name | key1 | key2 | key3 |
| Item1 | Поле 1 | Поле 2 | Поле 3 |
Select ItemId as ItemId,
[fieldid1], [fieldid2], [fieldid3], [fieldid4], [fieldid5]
(Select as ItemId,
Coalesce(itemfields.en,,itemfields.ko) as FieldName,
itemfields.fieldid as fieldid,
fields.key as value
from items as items
left join item_fields as item_fields on = item_fields.item_id
left join fields as fields On item_fields.fieldid = SourceTable
Max(value) for fieldid in ([fieldid1], [fieldid2], [fieldid3], [fieldid4], [fieldid5] )
) as PivotTable;
A value can be a string in double quotes, or a number, or true or false or null, or an object or an array. These structures can be nested.
A string is a sequence of zero or more Unicode characters, wrapped in double quotes, using backslash escapes. A character is represented as a single character string. A string is very much like a C or Java string.
A number is very much like a C or Java number, except that the octal and hexadecimal formats are not used.
data.flatMap(item => => => ({
event_key: event.event_key,
$string = '34956bbb22644e8ab7112755254fb44d';
function split1($string)
$components = [
substr($string, 0, 8),
substr($string, 8, 4),
substr($string, 12, 4),
substr($string, 16, 4),
substr($string, 20)
return implode('-', $components);
function split2($string)
return substr($string, 0, 8) . '-' .
substr($string, 8, 4) . '-' .
substr($string, 12, 4) . '-' .
substr($string, 16, 4) . '-' .
substr($string, 20);
function benchmark($max, $func, $string)
$timer = [
'start' => microtime(true),
'stop' => false
$i = 0;
do {
} while ($i < $max);
$timer['stop'] = microtime(true);
printf("benchmark %s %s seconds\n", $func, $timer['stop'] - $timer['start']);
benchmark(10e6, 'split1', $string);
benchmark(10e6, 'split2', $string);
$string = '40|;77|;78|;85|';
$result = rtrim(preg_replace('~\|[^;]+(?:;|$)~', ',', $string), ',');
echo $result; // 40,77,78,85
function filter ($list) {
$newList = [];
foreach ($list as $line) {
$a = explode(' ', trim($line), 2);
if (count($a) > 0) {
$newList[] = $a[0];
return $newList;
$list = ['col', 'col(1)', 'col(1) string', 'col(1) string1 string2', 'col string1'];