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Что за язык программирования используется в экспертной системе ESwin?

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Вот скрин и пример кода из одной из систем, быть может тут кто-то сможет это опознать?
Скриншот ESwin
Код программы
TITLE=Buying of car
COMPANY=CopyRight Insicom Ltd., phone: +7 3832 46-02-19 email: avg@vt.cs.nstu.ru
  To buy the car

Frame=Initial data
Type of a body (symbol) [Choose type of a body]: (Sedan; Cabriolet; Unified; Hatchback; Minivan) 
Type of a box of transfers (symbol) [Choose type of a box of transfers]: (Automatic; Manual) 
Type of the engine (symbol) [Choose type of the engine]: (Diesel; Petrol) 
Price (lv) [how many money you are ready to spend?]: (Little; Average; Many) 

Rule 1
 =(Initial data.Type of a body; Unified) 100
 =(Initial data.Type of the engine; Diesel) 100
 =(Initial data.Type of a box of transfers; Automatic) 100 
<(Initial data.price; 1000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches Toyota Caldina 1988) 100

Rule 2
 = (initial data.Type of a body;  Cabriolet) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; Petrol) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; Automatic) 100 
<(Initial data.price; 400) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; it is Easier to cut a roof at запорожца and to put box of transfers the automatic device) 100

Rule 3
 = (initial data.Type of a body;  Sedan) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; Petrol) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; Automatic) 100 
<(Initial data.price; 7000) 100
> (Initial data.price; 6000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches Toyota Mark II 1996 г.в.) 100 

Rule 4
 = (initial data.Type of a body; Hatchback) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; Petrol) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; Automatic) 100
 <(Initial data.price; 2000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches Toyota Corolla II 1990) 100

Rule 5
 = (initial data.Type of a body; Hatchback) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; Petrol) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; Manual) 100 
<(Initial data.price; 6000) 100
> (Initial data.price; 5000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches Vases 2112 2001г.в.) 100

Rule 6
 = (initial data.Type of a body; Unified) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; Diesel) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; Automatic) 100
<(Initial data.price; 10000) 100
> (Initial data.price; 12000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches Toyota Mark II 1998г.в) 100

Rule 7
 = (initial data.Type of a body; Unified) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; Diesel) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; Manual) 100
> (Initial data.price; 12000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches Toyota Caldina 2001) 100

Rule 8
 = (initial data.Type of a body; Hatchback) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; Petrol) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; MANUAL) 100 
<(Initial data.price; 10000) 100
> (Initial data.price; 6000) 100 
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches ВАЗ- 2112 2003Г.В.) 100 

Rule 9
 = (initial data.Type of a body; Hatchback) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; Petrol) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; MANUAL) 100
> (Initial data.price; 10000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches TOYOTA STARLET 2003Г.В.) 100

Rule 10
 = (initial data.Type of a body; Hatchback) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; diesel) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; MANUAL) 100
> (Initial data.price; 10000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches TOYOTA STARLET 2003Г.В.) 100 

Rule 11
 = (initial data.Type of a body; Hatchback) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; diesel) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; MANUAL) 100
> (Initial data.price; 5000) 100
 <(Initial data.price; 6000) 100 
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches TOYOTA STARLET 2003Г.В.) 100 

Rule 12
 = (initial data.Type of a body; Hatchback) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; diesel) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; MANUAL) 100 
<(Initial data.price; 5000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches tOYOTA corolla II 1995 Г.В.) 100 

Rule 13
 = (initial data.Type of a body;  sedan) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; Diesel) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; Automatic) 100
 <(Initial data.price; 5000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches Toyota Vista 1993) 100
Rule 14
 = (initial data.Type of a body;  sedan) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; Diesel) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; Automatic) 100
> (Initial data.price; 5000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches Toyota Vista 1998) 100

Rule 15
 = (initial data.Type of a body;  sedan) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; petrol) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; Automatic) 100 
<(Initial data.price; 5000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches Toyota Tercel 1993) 100

Rule 16
 = (initial data.Type of a body;  sedan) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; petrol) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; Automatic) 100
> (Initial data.price; 5000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches Toyota Mark II 2000) 100

Rule 17
 = (initial data.Type of a body; Unified) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; Diesel) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; Automatic) 100 
<(Initial data.price; 1000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches Toyota Caldina 1988) 100 

Rule 18
 = (initial data.Type of a body;  minivan) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; Diesel) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; Automatic) 100 
<(Initial data.price; 5000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches Mitsubisi RVR 1990) 100

Rule 19
 = (initial data.Type of a body;  minivan) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; Diesel) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; Automatic) 100
> (Initial data.price; 5000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches Mitsubisi RVR 2000) 100

Rule 20
 = (initial data.Type of a body;  minivan) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; petrol) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; Automatic) 100 
<(Initial data.price; 5000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches Mitsubisi RVR 1991) 100 

Rule 21
 = (initial data.Type of a body; minivan) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; petrol) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; Automatic) 100
> (Initial data.price; 5000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches Mitsubisi RVR 2001) 100

Rule 22
 = (initial data.Type of a body;  minivan) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; petrol) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; manual) 100
 <(Initial data.price; 5000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches Mitsubisi RVR 1990) 100

Rule 23
 = (initial data.Type of a body;  minivan) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; petrol) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; manual) 100
> (Initial data.price; 5000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches Mitsubisi RVR 2000) 100

Rule 24
 = (initial data.Type of a body;  minivan) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; Diesel) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; manual) 100 
<(Initial data.price; 5000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches Mitsubisi RVR 1991) 100

Rule 25
 = (initial data.Type of a body; minivan) 100
 = (initial data.Type of the engine; Diesel) 100
 = (initial data.Type of a box of transfers; manual) 100
> (Initial data.price; 5000) 100
 = (Goal.To buy the car; Under your choice approaches Mitsubisi RVR 2001) 100 

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