Как не платить 20% — элементарно: укажите своей страной в настройках профиля Швецию.
И вместо 20% НДС платите 25% VAT.
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Можно отредактировать свой Профиль и указать в поле Адрес другую страну – именно это поле определяет налоговую ставку, как они
Address - Displayed on invoice. Determine which taxes apply to your account.
Сам пока не пробовал. Пл
ачу и плач
у 20%.
Как определяется TAX location и как его изменить:
How is my tax location determined?
Your tax location is typically based on your account address, which is initially set to the payment address of your primary payment method when you sign up. In some locations, we are required by law to consider other account details, like other payment addresses or IP addresses.
How can I change my tax location?
You can update your account address and view your account’s tax location and rate at any time on the billing page. If you’ve set your account address correctly but your account’s tax location is not what you expect, contact support for help.