Сейчас получил сообщение на одной из западных фриланс бирж сообщение от участника с таким текстом:
I am a senior software developer with over 7+ years of experience. My major is web & mobile application development.
- My requirement:
I need to get European upwork account for making more money. I have earned at least 3k a month so far and my goal is to earn 5k+ a month in the future. It is necessary for using European upwork account because most of clients on Upwork prefer to work with European developers. As far as I am concerned, it is mostly related that European developer’s ability is high. If you cooperate with me, you will get paid 5% of my income a month. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you are interested in this deal. But don't reply to me if you aren’t interested in this deal. I will explain about the detail(including payment method) in the further interview. I look forward to hearing from you.
В чем прикол? Что за разводка? Что то слышали про такие предложения?