Во время печати любой детали,принтер останавливается и выдает лог с ошибками.
Changing monitoring state from 'Paused' to 'Printing'
Send: N6930G1 E5.000000 F6000*42
Send: N6931G1 E-5.000000 F6000*6
Send: N6932G1 X61.270000 Y74.260000 F9000*93
Send: N6933G1 E5.000000 F6000*41
Recv: ok
Send: M105 T0
Serial timeout while writing to serial port, trying again.
Serial timeout while writing to serial port, trying again.
Send: N6933G1 E5.000000 F6000*41
Recv: ok
Send: N6934G1 F9000*95
Serial timeout while writing to serial port, trying again.
Unexpected error while writing serial port: SerialTimeoutException: 'Write timeout' @ machineCom.py:_sendCommand:506
Changing monitoring state from 'Printing' to 'Error: SerialTimeoutExcepti...'
Unexpected error while writing serial port: AttributeError: ''NoneType' object has no attribute 'write'' @ machineCom.py:_sendCommand:506
Connection closed, closing down monitor
Скорость стоит на COM 115200, менял usb кабель, пробовал на двух ПК.