Ruby on Rails
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Стоит ли учить язык Ruby и фреймворк Ruby on Rails в 2016 году?
В мире PHP активно развивается много отличных фреймворков и библиотек. В JavaScript вообще каждый день революция, новые подходы и фреймворки растут как грибы после дождя.
А вот про Ruby и Ruby on Rails давно ничего не слышно.
@posts = Post.where(user_id:123).includes(:comments).where("comments.created_at IN (?) OR comments.updated_at IN (?)", Time.zone.today...Time.zone.tomorrow, Time.zone.today...Time.zone.tomorrow)
Post.where(id: 1).or(Post.where(id: 2))
2.3.1 :029 > ActionController::RoutingError.ancestors
=> [ActionController::RoutingError,
StandardError, Exception, ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Blamable,
Object, PP::ObjectMixin, ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Loadable,
redirect_to @post, :success => "Post was successfully updated"
It is also possible to assign a flash message as part of the redirection. There are two special accessors for the commonly used flash names alert and notice as well as a general purpose flash bucket