You may notТо есть, единственным лицензионным использованием WinPE 3 будет диагностика и восстановление Windows. Любое другое использование не разрешено.
• make more copies of the software than specified in this agreement or allowed by applicable law, despite this limitation;
• publish the software for others to copy;
• rent, lease or lend the software;
• transfer the software or this agreement to any third party;
Windows Pre-Installation Environment. You may install and use the Windows Pre-Installation Environment for purposes of diagnosing and recovering Windows operating system software. For the avoidance of doubt, you may not use the Windows Pre-Installation Environment for any other purpose, including without limitation as a general operating system, as a thin client or as a remote desktop client.”
n = 2;
I = (f(a)+f(b))/2*(b-a);
do {
Iprev = I;
// здесь считаем интеграл I при разбиении на n отрезков
} while (abs(Iprev-I) > precision);
SELECT DISTINCT `res`.`id_page` FROM `fields_value` AS `res`
INNER JOIN `fields_value` AS `f1` ON (`f1`.`id_page` = `res`.`id_page` AND `f1`.`id_field` = 22 AND `f1`.`value` = 'Платный')
INNER JOIN `fields_value` AS `f2` ON (`f2`.`id_page` = `res`.`id_page` AND `f2`.`id_field` = 11 AND `f2`.`value` = '100')
INNER JOIN `fields_value` AS `f3` ON (`f3`.`id_page` = `res`.`id_page` AND `f3`.`id_field` = 33 AND `f3`.`value` = 'есть')