К сожалению, универсально и гарантированно решить это невозможно. Предагается только такой вариант.
The authoritative statement
not authoritative;
The DHCP server will normally assume that the configuration informa‐
tion about a given network segment is not known to be correct and is
not authoritative. This is so that if a naive user installs a DHCP
server not fully understanding how to configure it, it does not send
spurious DHCPNAK messages to clients that have obtained addresses
from a legitimate DHCP server on the network.
Network administrators setting up authoritative DHCP servers for
their networks should always write authoritative; at the top of their
configuration file to indicate that the DHCP server should send DHCP‐
NAK messages to misconfigured clients. If this is not done, clients
will be unable to get a correct IP address after changing subnets
until their old lease has expired, which could take quite a long
Usually, writing authoritative; at the top level of the file should
be sufficient. However, if a DHCP server is to be set up so that it
is aware of some networks for which it is authoritative and some net‐
works for which it is not, it may be more appropriate to declare
authority on a per-network-segment basis.
Note that the most specific scope for which the concept of authority
makes any sense is the physical network segment — either a shared-
network statement or a subnet statement that is not contained within
a shared-network statement. It is not meaningful to specify that the
server is authoritative for some subnets within a shared network, but
not authoritative for others, nor is it meaningful to specify that
the server is authoritative for some host declarations and not oth‐