git checkout a8801ee
git pust origin master
* 07ff650 2014-03-28 | redact tests ajax cart (HEAD) [Ivan Trofimov]
* 19f844c 2014-03-28 | new .gitignore for netbeans [Ivan Trofimov]
* a8801ee 2014-03-27 | Modified gitignore [Ivan Trofimov]
* 89910c7 2014-03-27 | Generate Orders DB table [Ivan Trofimov]
* 4f7e576 2014-03-27 | new tests for ajax-order [Ivan Trofimov]
* 43badc1 2014-03-27 | Cart in left part on site (#SIDE) [Ivan Trofimov]
* 6e9e4ef 2014-03-26 | Remove from cart [Ivan Trofimov]
* 225d152 2014-03-26 | New Cart [Ivan Trofimov]
* 84cfcd3 2014-03-25 | Cart [Ivan Trofimov]
* 2286d31 2014-03-25 | New frontend (Full commit) [Ivan Trofimov]
* 311022e 2014-03-24 | Frontend catalog and new functional tests [Ivan Trofimov]
* 291a4c2 2014-03-24 | New Product title validation (<= 10 characters in Title) [Ivan Trofimov]
* b302ccf 2014-03-24 | New tests for Product model [Ivan Trofimov]
* 44e0ebe 2014-03-19 | Page 106 [Ivan Trofimov]
* 9eb588b 2014-03-19 | No Cyrillic [Ivan Trofimov]
* f3a744b 2014-03-18 | Validation for Product-form and new Tests [Ivan Trofimov]
* 62d6b55 2014-03-18 | Init [Ivan Trofimov]
# берем ветку
git checkout mybranch
# отказываемся от изменений
git reset --hard 123abc
# грохаем ветку в удаленном репозитории
git push origin :mybranch
# пушем ветку из локального репозитория
git push origin HEAD