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Почему отладчик ругается на процедуру в программе на Allegro?

Пишу программу на C в связке с библиотекой Allegro в Visual Studio. Всё прекрасно, но в трёх подобных процедурах отладчик ругается в одном и том же месте. Сама прога не работает. Ругается в функции void RNear и ещё двух таких же в цикле
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
	if (red[i].cot[k] = red[j].ID)
		kot = true;
, но с другими аргументами.
Вот код.
#include <allegro5/allegro.h>
#include <allegro5/allegro_primitives.h>
#include "objects.h"
#include <math.h>

struct RGB
	int ID;
	int x;
	int y;
	int speed;
	int boundxmin;
	int boundxmax;
	int boundymin;
	int boundymax;
	int cot[8];
//objects.h end

const int WIDTH = 640;
const int HEIGHT = 480;
const int FPS = 6;
//constans of conditions
const int rd[] = { 1/*RED*/,1/*GREEN*/,1/*BLUE*/ };
const int gn[] = { 1,	    1,	       1 };
const int be[] = { 1,	    1,	       1 };
// constans of elements
const int NUM_RED = 20;
const int NUM_GREEN = 20;
const int NUM_BLUE = 20;
const int rrad = 30; //radius of red
const int rspeed = 3;//speed of red
const int rxmin = 4; //boundx min and boundx max
const int rxmax = 15;
const int rymin = 4;//boundy min and boundy max
const int rymax = 15;
const int grad = 30; //radius of green
const int gspeed = 3;//speed of green
const int gxmin = 4;//boundx min and boundx max
const int gxmax = 15;
const int gymin = 4;//boundy min and boundy max
const int gymax = 15;
const int brad = 30; //radius of blue
const int bspeed = 3;//speed of green
const int bxmin = 4;//boundx min and boundx max
const int bxmax = 15;
const int bymin = 4;//boundy min and boundy max
const int bymax = 15;
void InitRed(RGB red[], int size);
void DrawRed(RGB red[], int size);
void RNear(RGB red[], int rSize, RGB green[], int gSize, RGB blue[], int bSize);
void MoveRtoR(RGB red[], int size);
void MoveRtoG(RGB red[], int rSize, RGB green[], int gSize);
void MoveRtoB(RGB red[], int rSize, RGB blue[], int bSize);

void InitGreen(RGB green[], int rSize, int gSize);
void DrawGreen(RGB green[], int size);
void GNear(RGB red[], int rSize, RGB green[], int gSize, RGB blue[], int bSize);
void MoveGtoG(RGB green[], int size);
void MoveGtoR(RGB green[], int gSize, RGB red[], int rSize);
void MoveGtoB(RGB green[], int gSize, RGB blue[], int bSize);

void InitBlue(RGB blue[], int rSize, int gSize, int bSize);
void DrawBlue(RGB blue[], int size);
void BNear(RGB red[], int rSize, RGB green[], int gSize, RGB blue[], int bSize);
void MoveBtoB(RGB blue[], int size);
void MoveBtoG(RGB blue[], int bSize, RGB green[], int gSize);
void MoveBtoR(RGB blue[], int bSize, RGB red[], int gSize);

//variables and arrays
int RRNear[NUM_RED];
int RGNear[NUM_RED];
int RBNear[NUM_RED];
int R[NUM_RED];

int GGNear[NUM_GREEN];
int GRNear[NUM_GREEN];
int GBNear[NUM_GREEN];

int BBNear[NUM_BLUE];
int BRNear[NUM_BLUE];
int BGNear[NUM_BLUE];
int B[NUM_BLUE];

int main(void)
	bool done = false;
	bool redraw = true;

	RGB red[20];
	RGB green[20];
	RGB blue[20];

	for (int mole = 0; mole < NUM_RED; mole++)
		RRNear[mole] = 0;
		RBNear[mole] = 0;
		RGNear[mole] = 0;
	for (int mole = 0; mole < NUM_GREEN; mole++)
		GGNear[mole] = 0;
		GRNear[mole] = 0;
		GBNear[mole] = 0;

	for (int mole = 0; mole < NUM_BLUE; mole++)
		BBNear[mole] = 0;
		BRNear[mole] = 0;
		BGNear[mole] = 0;


	if (!al_init())
		return -1;
	display = al_create_display(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

	if (!display)
		return -1;
	event_queue = al_create_event_queue();
	timer = al_create_timer(1.0 / FPS);

	InitRed(red, NUM_RED);
	InitGreen(green, NUM_RED, NUM_GREEN);
	InitBlue(blue, NUM_RED, NUM_GREEN, NUM_BLUE);


	al_register_event_source(event_queue, al_get_keyboard_event_source());
	al_register_event_source(event_queue, al_get_display_event_source(display));
	al_register_event_source(event_queue, al_get_timer_event_source(timer));

	while (!done)
		al_wait_for_event(event_queue, &ev);

		if (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_TIMER)
			RNear(red, NUM_RED, blue, NUM_BLUE, green, NUM_GREEN);
			GNear(red, NUM_RED, blue, NUM_BLUE, green, NUM_GREEN);
			BNear(red, NUM_RED, blue, NUM_BLUE, green, NUM_GREEN);
			MoveRtoR(red, NUM_RED);
			MoveRtoG(red, NUM_RED, green, NUM_GREEN);
			MoveRtoB(red, NUM_RED, blue, NUM_BLUE);
			MoveGtoG(green, NUM_GREEN);
			MoveGtoR(green, NUM_GREEN, red, NUM_RED);
			MoveGtoB(green, NUM_GREEN, blue, NUM_BLUE);
			MoveBtoB(blue, NUM_BLUE);
			MoveBtoG(blue, NUM_BLUE, green, NUM_GREEN);
			MoveBtoR(blue, NUM_BLUE, red, NUM_RED);
			done = true;
		else if (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN)
			switch (ev.keyboard.keycode)
				done = true;
		else if (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_UP)
			switch (ev.keyboard.keycode)
				done = true;

		DrawRed(red, NUM_RED);
		DrawGreen(green, NUM_GREEN);
		DrawBlue(blue, NUM_BLUE);

		al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255));

	return 0;

//Procedures of Red
void InitRed(RGB red[], int size)
	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
		red[i].ID = i;
		red[i].speed = rspeed;
		red[i].boundxmin = rxmin;
		red[i].boundymin = rxmax;
		red[i].boundxmax = rymin;
		red[i].boundymax = rymax;
		for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
			red[i].cot[j] = 0;
		red[i].x = rand() % WIDTH;
		red[i].y = rand() % HEIGHT;

void DrawRed(RGB red[], int size)
	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
		al_draw_filled_circle(red[i].x, red[i].y, rrad, al_map_rgb(128, 0, 0));

void RNear(RGB red[], int rSize, RGB green[], int gSize, RGB blue[], int bSize)
	double re[NUM_RED];
	double gr[NUM_RED];
	double bl[NUM_RED];
	for (int i = 0; i < rSize; i++)
		re[i] = 0;
		gr[i] = 0;
		bl[i] = 0;
	//Searsh Red nearly
	if (rd[0])
		for (int i = 0; i < rSize; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < rSize - 1; i++)
				bool kot = false;
				for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
					if (red[i].cot[k] = red[j].ID)
						kot = true;
				if (!kot)
					double a = sqrt(pow((red[j + 1].x - red[i].x), 2) + pow((red[j + 1].y - red[i].y), 2));
					double b = sqrt(pow((red[j + 2].x - red[i].x), 2) + pow((red[j + 2].y - red[i].y), 2));
					if (a > b)
						RRNear[i] = j + 2;
						re[i] = b;
					else if (a < b)
						RRNear[i] = j + 1;
						re[i] = a;
					else if (a = b)
						RRNear[i] = j + 1;
						re[i] = a;
	//Searsh Green nearly
	if (rd[1])
		for (int i = 0; i < rSize; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < gSize; i++)
				bool kot = false;
				for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
					if (red[i].cot[k] = green[j].ID)
						kot = true;
				if (!kot)
					double a = sqrt(pow((green[j].x - red[i].x), 2) + pow((green[j].y - red[i].y), 2));
					double b = sqrt(pow((green[j + 1].x - red[i].x), 2) + pow((green[j + 1].y - red[i].y), 2));
					if (a > b)
						RGNear[i] = j + 2;
						gr[i] = b;
					else if (a < b)
						RGNear[i] = j+1;
						gr[i] = a;
					else if (a = b)
						RGNear[i] = j+1;
						gr[i] = a;
	//Searsh Blue nearly
	if (rd[2])
		for (int i = 0; i < rSize; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < bSize; i++)
				bool kot = false;
				for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
					if (red[i].cot[k] = blue[i].ID)
						kot = true;
				if (!kot)
					double a = sqrt(pow((blue[j].x - red[i].x), 2) + pow((blue[j].y - red[i].y), 2));
					double b = sqrt(pow((blue[j + 1].x - red[i].x), 2) + pow((blue[j + 1].y - red[i].y), 2));
					if (a > b)
						RBNear[i] = j + 2;
						bl[i] = b;
					else if (a < b)
						RBNear[i] = j+1;
						bl[i] = a;
					else if (a = b)
						RBNear[i] = j+1;
						bl[i] = a;
	for (int i = 0; i < rSize; i++)
		if ((re[i] >= gr[i]) && (re[i] >= bl[i]))
			R[i] = re[i];
		else if ((gr[i] >= re[i]) && (gr[i] >= bl[i]))
			R[i] = gr[i];
		else if ((bl[i] >= re[i]) && (bl[i] >= gr[i]))
			R[i] = bl[i];

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так и должно быть?
//Searsh Red nearly
if (rd[0])
    for (int i = 0; i < rSize; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < rSize - 1; i++)
//Searsh Green nearly
//Searsh Blue nearly

См. вложенный цикл. Нужно j++

И еще
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
  if (red[i].cot[k] = red[j].ID)
    kot = true;

else if (a = b)

присвоение ( = ) в условии, а не проверка на равенство ( == )
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