import java.util.Scanner;
public class House {
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
int chooseRoof(int roof) {
for( ; ; ) {
System.out.println("Choose your roof material:");
System.out.println("Default roof - 45 \t Tile roof - 95 \t Slate roof - 126");
System.out.println("Enter a number of the choosen material:");
String input = in.nextLine();
// checking input, if input is empty, warn user about it
// and ask to try again, after that - continue loop.
if(input.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("You don't enter anything.");
// checking input, if input have any characters, warn user about it
// and ask to try again, after that - continue loop.
System.out.println("The number must consists only numerals.");
if (input.equals("45") || input.equals("95") || input.equals("126")) {
roof = Integer.parseInt(input);
return roof;
else {
System.out.println("Your enter wrong number. Pls choose the material and "
+ "use his number.");
public class Building {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int roof = 45;
House home = new House();
home.chooseRoof(roof); // Переменная roof должна поменять свое значение
System.out.println(roof); // Но когда мы ее выводим, видим старое значение,
// почему? Как это исправить?