* Make Dates according to selected days of week till the specified date
* @param Array weekdays: 0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday, ..
* @param Mixed Date or String - last day of range
* @return Array of Date objects
function getDates( weekDays, lastDate) {
if(typeof lastDate === 'string') lastDate = new Date(lastDate);
var today = new Date(), dow, i, D, datesPool = [], result = [];
dow = today.getDay();
for(i=0; i<7; i++) {
if( !~weekDays.indexOf( (dow + i)%7)) continue;
D = new Date();
D.setTime( today.getTime());
D.setDate( D.getDate() + i);
if( D.getTime() > lastDate.getTime()) continue;
datesPool.push( D);
if( datesPool.length === 0) return result;
while(true) {
for( i = 0; i < datesPool.length; i++) {
D = datesPool[i];
if( D.getTime() > lastDate.getTime()) return result;
if( result.length > 1000) return result;
result.push( "" + D.getDate() + "." + (1 + D.getMonth()) + "." + D.getFullYear().toString().substr(2));
D.setDate( D.getDate() + 7);
getDates( [2,3], '2017-07-31') // 19.7.17,25.7.17,26.7.17