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Проблема с REST API (Node, Express, Mongo)?

У меня есть апи с locations, для каждого location - есть список reviews. Написать api ко всем locations получилось, выбрать из списка определенный review зная его id, не вышло. Всё ломается тут
review = location.reviews.id(req.params.reviewid);
, хотя location.reviews =
[ { author: 'Simon Holmes',
    id: 57acda33cec290c7a1466cf2,
    rating: 5,
    timestamp: Thu Jul 16 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (GMT Summer Time),
    reviewText: 'What a great place. I can\'t say enough good things about it.',
    createdOn: Sun Aug 14 2016 19:21:34 GMT+0100 (GMT Summer Time) },
  { author: 'Simon Holmes',
    id: 57acdcb3cec290c7a1466cf7,
    rating: 5,
    timestamp: Wed Jun 10 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (GMT Summer Time),
    reviewText: 'What a great place. I can\'t say enough good things about it.',
    createdOn: Sun Aug 14 2016 19:21:34 GMT+0100 (GMT Summer Time) },
  { author: 'Simon Holmes',
    id: 57acdcd1cec290c7a1466cf8,
    rating: 2,
    timestamp: Mon Jun 29 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (GMT Summer Time),
    reviewText: 'What a great place. I can\'t say enough good things about it.',
    createdOn: Sun Aug 14 2016 19:21:34 GMT+0100 (GMT Summer Time) } ]


module.exports.reviewsReadOne = function(req, res) {
    console.log("Getting a single review");
    if (req.params && req.params.locationid && req.params.reviewid) {
            .select('name reviews')
                function(err, location) {
                    // console.log(location);
                    var response, review;

                    if (!location) {
                        sendJSONresponse(res, 404, {
                            "message": "locationid not found"
                    } else if (err) {
                        sendJSONresponse(res, 400, err);


                    if (location.reviews) {
                        review = location.reviews.id(req.params.reviewid); // null
                        if (!review) {
                            sendJSONresponse(res, 404, {
                                "message": "reviewid not found"
                        } else {
                            response = {
                                location: {
                                    name: location.name,
                                    id: req.params.locationid
                                review: review
                            sendJSONresponse(res, 200, response);
                    } else {
                        sendJSONresponse(res, 404, {
                            "message": "No reviews found"
    } else {
        sendJSONresponse(res, 404, {
            "message": "Not found, locationid and reviewid are both required"

Когда делаю запрос через Postman

Получаю в ответ:
  "message": "reviewid not found"

Ответ в Node консоле:
Mongoose connected to mongodb://
Getting a single review
{ locationid: '57acd67fcec290c7a1466cf0',
  reviewid: '57acda33cec290c7a1466cf2' }
{ _id: 57acd67fcec290c7a1466cf0,
  name: 'Starcups',
   [ { author: 'Simon Holmes',
       id: 57acda33cec290c7a1466cf2,
       rating: 5,
       timestamp: Thu Jul 16 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (GMT Summer Time),
       reviewText: 'What a great place. I can\'t say enough good things about it.',
       createdOn: Sun Aug 14 2016 19:14:38 GMT+0100 (GMT Summer Time) },
     { author: 'Simon Holmes',
       id: 57acdcb3cec290c7a1466cf7,
       rating: 5,
       timestamp: Wed Jun 10 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (GMT Summer Time),
       reviewText: 'What a great place. I can\'t say enough good things about it.',
       createdOn: Sun Aug 14 2016 19:14:38 GMT+0100 (GMT Summer Time) },
     { author: 'Simon Holmes',
       id: 57acdcd1cec290c7a1466cf8,
       rating: 2,
       timestamp: Mon Jun 29 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (GMT Summer Time),
       reviewText: 'What a great place. I can\'t say enough good things about it.',
       createdOn: Sun Aug 14 2016 19:14:38 GMT+0100 (GMT Summer Time) } ] }
GET /api/locations/57acd67fcec290c7a1466cf0/reviews/57acda33cec290c7a1466cf2 404 27.935 ms - 32
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Ответы на вопрос 2
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И мне кажется понятно, откуда у нас id, а не _id.
Ты ведь так добавлял данные через консоль?

Putting it all together shows something like the following code snippet:
> db.locations.update({ name: 'Starcups'}, {
  $push: {
    reviews: {
      author: 'Simon Holmes',
      id: ObjectId(), //INCORRECT
      rating: 5,
      timestamp: new Date("Jul 16, 2013"),
      reviewText: "What a great place. I can't say enough good things about it."

Отсюда скорее всего и неправильный результат.
Ответ написан
@Antonoff Автор вопроса
То что ответил автор книги:

In the Mongo shell try something like this to add an _id to a review

    $set : {
      "reviews.0._id" : ObjectId()

This will add an _id property with an objectId value to the first review subdocument in the location you specify in the command.
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