Vtiger, как настроить отправку писем (Обработчики)?

Доброго времени суток!

Помогите!!! никак не могу разобраться с отправкой писем при срабатывании обработчиков. Письма приходят нестабильно. Например, создаю/меняю две (или более) заявки (обработчик на отправку писем настроен). В результате приходит только одно письмо. Если отправлять письма через «Отправить E-email» – все ок. Я так понимаю письма отправляются через cron, запуском скрипта vtigercron.sh???
Получается проблема или в cron, или в скрипте vtigercron.sh??

В логах cron:

Jul 31 07:13:15 debian /usr/sbin/cron[18580]: (CRON) INFO (pidfile fd = 3)
Jul 31 07:13:15 debian /usr/sbin/cron[18581]: (CRON) STARTUP (fork ok)
Jul 31 07:13:15 debian /usr/sbin/cron[18581]: (CRON) INFO (Skipping @reboot jobs — not system startup)
Jul 31 07:13:32 debian suhosin[18556]: ALERT – script tried to increase memory_limit to 536870912 bytes which is above the allowed value (attacker ’′, file ‘/var/www/config.inc.php’, line 25)
Jul 31 07:13:34 debian suhosin[18303]: ALERT – script tried to increase memory_limit to 536870912 bytes which is above the allowed value (attacker ’′, file ‘/var/www/config.inc.php’, line 25)
Jul 31 07:15:01 debian /USR/SBIN/CRON[18592]: (root) CMD (/usr/bin/flock -n /tmp/vtigercron.lock -c /var/www/cron/vtigercron.sh)
Jul 31 07:15:05 debian suhosin[18597]: ALERT – script tried to disable memory_limit by setting it to a negative value -1 bytes which is not allowed (attacker ‘REMOTE_ADDR not set’, file ‘unknown’)
Jul 31 07:15:20 debian suhosin[18459]: ALERT – script tried to increase memory_limit to 536870912 bytes which is above the allowed value (attacker ’′, file ‘/var/www/config.inc.php’, line 25)
Jul 31 07:15:22 debian suhosin[18589]: ALERT – script tried to increase memory_limit to 536870912 bytes which is above the allowed value (attacker ’′, file ‘/var/www/config.inc.php’, line 25)
Jul 31 07:17:00 debian suhosin[18469]: ALERT – script tried to increase memory_limit to 536870912 bytes which is above the allowed value (attacker ’′, file ‘/var/www/config.inc.php’, line 25)
Jul 31 07:17:01 debian /USR/SBIN/CRON[18605]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts –report /etc/cron.hourly)
Jul 31 07:17:02 debian suhosin[18469]: ALERT – script tried to increase memory_limit to 536870912 bytes which is above the allowed value (attacker ’′, file ‘/var/www/config.inc.php’, line 25)
Jul 31 07:17:48 debian suhosin[18556]: ALERT – script tried to increase memory_limit to 536870912 bytes which is above the allowed value (attacker ’′, file ‘/var/www/config.inc.php’, line 25)
Jul 31 07:17:50 debian suhosin[18556]: ALERT – script tried to increase memory_limit to 536870912 bytes which is above the allowed value (attacker ’′, file ‘/var/www/config.inc.php’, line 25)
Jul 31 07:20:01 debian /USR/SBIN/CRON[18609]: (root) CMD (/usr/bin/flock -n /tmp/vtigercron.lock -c /var/www/cron/vtigercron.sh)
Jul 31 07:20:02 debian suhosin[18614]: ALERT – script tried to disable memory_limit by setting it to a negative value -1 bytes which is not allowed (attacker ‘REMOTE_ADDR not set’, file ‘unknown’)
Jul 31 07:25:01 debian /USR/SBIN/CRON[18622]: (root) CMD (/usr/bin/flock -n /tmp/vtigercron.lock -c /var/www/cron/vtigercron.sh)
Jul 31 07:25:01 debian suhosin[18627]: ALERT – script tried to disable memory_limit by setting it to a negative value -1 bytes which is not allowed (attacker ‘REMOTE_ADDR not set’, file ‘unknown’)
Jul 31 07:30:01 debian /USR/SBIN/CRON[18635]: (root) CMD (test -x /etc/init.d/anacron && /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d anacron start >/dev/null)
Jul 31 07:30:01 debian /USR/SBIN/CRON[18636]: (root) CMD (/usr/bin/flock -n /tmp/vtigercron.lock -c /var/www/cron/vtigercron.sh)
Jul 31 07:30:01 debian anacron[18664]: Anacron 2.3 started on 2015-07-31
Jul 31 07:30:01 debian anacron[18664]: Normal exit (0 jobs run)
Jul 31 07:30:01 debian suhosin[18648]: ALERT – script tried to disable memory_limit by setting it to a negative value -1 bytes which is not allowed (attacker ‘REMOTE_ADDR not set’, file ‘unknown’)
Jul 31 07:35:01 debian /USR/SBIN/CRON[18670]: (root) CMD (/usr/bin/flock -n /tmp/vtigercron.lock -c /var/www/cron/vtigercron.sh)
Jul 31 07:35:02 debian suhosin[18675]: ALERT – script tried to disable memory_limit by setting it to a negative value -1 bytes which is not allowed (attacker ‘REMOTE_ADDR not set’, file ‘unknown’)
Jul 31 07:39:01 debian /USR/SBIN/CRON[18682]: (root) CMD ( [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && find /var/lib/php5/ -type f -cmin +$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) -delete)
Jul 31 07:40:01 debian /USR/SBIN/CRON[18690]: (root) CMD (/usr/bin/flock -n /tmp/vtigercron.lock -c /var/www/cron/vtigercron.sh)
Jul 31 07:40:02 debian suhosin[18695]: ALERT – script tried to disable memory_limit by setting it to a negative value -1 bytes which is not allowed (attacker ‘REMOTE_ADDR not set’, file ‘unknown’)
Jul 31 07:45:01 debian /USR/SBIN/CRON[18702]: (root) CMD (/usr/bin/flock -n /tmp/vtigercron.lock -c /var/www/cron/vtigercron.sh)
Jul 31 07:45:01 debian suhosin[18707]: ALERT – script tried to disable memory_limit by setting it to a negative value -1 bytes which is not allowed (attacker ‘REMOTE_ADDR not set’, file ‘unknown’)
Jul 31 07:50:01 debian /USR/SBIN/CRON[18714]: (root) CMD (/usr/bin/flock -n /tmp/vtigercron.lock -c /var/www/cron/vtigercron.sh)
Jul 31 07:50:02 debian suhosin[18719]: ALERT – script tried to disable memory_limit by setting it to a negative value -1 bytes which is not allowed (attacker ‘REMOTE_ADDR not set’, file ‘unknown’)
Jul 31 07:55:01 debian /USR/SBIN/CRON[18727]: (root) CMD (/usr/bin/flock -n /tmp/vtigercron.lock -c /var/www/cron/vtigercron.sh)
Jul 31 07:55:01 debian suhosin[18732]: ALERT – script tried to disable memory_limit by setting it to a negative value -1 bytes which is not allowed (attacker ‘REMOTE_ADDR not set’, file ‘unknown’)
Jul 31 08:00:02 debian /USR/SBIN/CRON[18739]: (root) CMD (/usr/bin/flock -n /tmp/vtigercron.lock -c /var/www/cron/vtigercron.sh)
Jul 31 08:00:02 debian suhosin[18744]: ALERT – script tried to disable memory_limit by setting it to a negative value -1 bytes which is not allowed (attacker ‘REMOTE_ADDR not set’, file ‘unknown’)
Jul 31 08:05:01 debian /USR/SBIN/CRON[18770]: (root) CMD (/usr/bin/flock -n /tmp/vtigercron.lock -c /var/www/cron/vtigercron.sh)
Jul 31 08:05:02 debian suhosin[18775]: ALERT – script tried to disable memory_limit by setting it to a negative value -1 bytes which is not allowed (attacker ‘REMOTE_ADDR not set’, file ‘unknown’)
Jul 31 08:09:01 debian /USR/SBIN/CRON[18782]: (root) CMD ( [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && find /var/lib/php5/ -type f -cmin +$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) -delete)

Файл /etc/crontab :

# /etc/crontab: system-wide crontab
# Unlike any other crontab you don’t have to run the `crontab’
# command to install the new version when you edit this file
# and files in /etc/cron.d. These files also have username fields,
# that none of the other crontabs do.


# m h dom mon dow user command

17 * * * * root cd / && run-parts –report /etc/cron.hourly
25 6 * * * root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts –report /etc/cron.daily )
47 6 * * 7 root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts –report /etc/cron.weekly )
52 6 1 * * root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts –report /etc/cron.monthly )

Файл /etc/cron.d/vtiger :

*/5 * * * * root /usr/bin/flock -n /tmp/vtigercron.lock -c /var/www/cron/vtigercron.sh

Скрипт /var/www/cron/vtigercron.sh :

# The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
# («License»); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
# The Original Code is: vtiger CRM Open Source
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
# Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
# All Rights Reserved.
# ********************************************************************************

export VTIGERCRM_ROOTDIR=`dirname «$0″`/..
export USE_PHP=/usr/bin/php

$USE_PHP -f vtigercron.php

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