setxkbmap -option 'caps:escape,caps:shift_nocancel' -layout us
Ctrl key position
│Option Description │
│ctrl:nocaps Caps Lock as Ctrl │
│ctrl:lctrl_meta Left Ctrl as Meta │
│ctrl:swapcaps Swap Ctrl and Caps Lock │
│ctrl:ac_ctrl At left of 'A' │
│ctrl:aa_ctrl At bottom left │
│ctrl:rctrl_ralt Right Ctrl as Right Alt │
│ctrl:menu_rctrl Menu as Right Ctrl │
│ctrl:ctrl_ralt Right Alt as Right Ctrl │
│ctrl:swap_lalt_lctl Swap Left Alt key with Left Ctrl key │
│ctrl:swap_lwin_lctl Swap Left Win key with Left Ctrl key │
│ctrl:swap_rwin_rctl Swap Right Win key with Right Ctrl key │
│ctrl:swap_lalt_lctl_lwin Left Alt as Ctrl, Left Ctrl as Win, Left Win as Alt │
│ │
In [1]: ', '.join(['my', 'super', 'list'])
Out[1]: 'my, super, list'
In [2]: import os
In [3]: os.path.join('path', 'to', 'script')
Out[3]: 'path/to/script'
In [4]: os.path.abspath(os.path.join('path', 'to', 'script'))
Out[4]: '/home/username/path/to/script'
In [5]: os.path.abspath(os.path.join('/', 'path', 'to', 'script'))
Out[5]: '/path/to/script'
какие должны быть данные современного выпускника it-шника?2+ года опыта работы по профилю обучения
как то не порусскиваще не парься, пока дефисы не расставишь :)
├── mod
│ ├──
│ └──
def foo(): print('foo')
from mod.supermod import foo