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console.log('инфа по браузеру',navigator.userAgentData);
console.log('батарея',await navigator.getBattery());
console.log('местоположение',await navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition())
console.log('ip', await fetch('',{credentials:'omit'}).then(res=>res.json()));
// [p0x, p0x] - are coordinates of origin point
// [p1x, p1y] - are coordinates of single control point
// [p2x, p2y] - are coordinates of destination point
// T - is number of points that needs to draw the curve
const quadratic = ([p0x,p0y], [p1x,p1y], [p2x,p2y], T = 60) => {
const x = t => (1 - t)**2 * p0x + 2 * (1 - t) * t * p1x + t**2 * p2x;
const y = t => (1 - t)**2 * p0y + 2 * (1 - t) * t * p1y + t**2 * p2y;
return Array.from({ length: T+1 }).map((_, t) => [x(t / T), y(t / T)]);
// [p0x, p0x] - are coordinates of origin point
// [p1x, p1y] - are coordinates of first control point
// [p2x, p2y] - are coordinates of second control point
// [p3x, p3y] - are coordinates of destination point
// T - is number of points that needs to draw the curve
const cubic = ([p0x, p0y], [p1x, p1y], [p2x, p2y], [p3x, p3y], T = 60) => {
const y = t => (1 - t)**3 * p0y + 3 * (1 - t)**2 * t * p1y + 3 * (1 - t) * t**2 * p2y + t**3 * p3y;
const x = t => (1 - t)**3 * p0x + 3 * (1 - t)**2 * t * p1x + 3 * (1 - t) * t**2 * p2x + t**3 * p3x;
return Array.from({ length: T+1 }).map((_, t) => [x(t / T), y(t / T)]);
const multiply = (a, b) =>, r) => b[0].map((_, c) => a[r].reduce((s,_,i) => s + a[r][i] * b[i][c], 0)));
require('child_process').execSync(`'C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe' --qt-start-minimized --play-and-exit --qt-notification=0 "D:\path\to\file.mp3"`);