With a transaction through Paypal goods and services, the fee is lower for selling the laptop compared to Ebay's 10% fee. So by selling through Paypal goods and services, I can discount the price and we will both save more money. I can only offer the discount with Paypal goods and services, which I guarantee will be as safe as through Ebay. I would still be happy with a sale through Ebay, but only for the original price
$(document).on('click', '#create', function(e) {
new jBox('Notice', $.extend(noticeOptions, {title: data.title, content: data.content}));
app.add(data.id, data.fields);
$cache->startDataCache($cacheLifeTime, $cacheID, $cachePath);
$cache->endDataCache(['selected' => $selected]);
$obCache = new \CPHPCache();
$cacheLifeTime = 3600;
$cacheID = 'selected';
$cachePath = '/'.$moduleId.'/'.$cacheID;
if ($cacheLifeTime > 0 && $obCache->InitCache($cacheLifeTime, $cacheID, $cachePath)) {
$vars = $obCache->GetVars();
if ($cacheLifeTime > 0 && $obCache->StartDataCache()) {
$selected['sd'] = 13456;
$obCache->EndDataCache(['selected' => $selected]);
Так получаем список папок
затем обработка