а как сделать на хосте в своем окружении?
mkdir /opt/bot1
cd /opt/bot1
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/active
pip3 install telebot
python3 bot.py
mkdir /opt/bot2
cd /opt/bot2
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/active
pip3 install telebot
python3 bot.py
You simply can’t generate a CSR for multiple subdomains that looks like *.*.yourdomain.com to try to cover more than one second-level subdomain group. The asterisk only applies to one field in the name submitted to the CA.
как не крути, который может работать с файловой системой линухи.
/ip dhcp-server
edit defconf lease-script=":if (\$leaseBound =1) do={\r\
\n :local Time [/system clock get time];\r\
\n :local Date [/system clock get date];\r\
\n :global fileContent [/file get report.txt contents]\r\
\n :set fileContent (\$fileContent . \"\\n \$Date-\$Time;\$leaseActIP\");\r\
\n :file set report.txt contents=\$fileContent;\r\