Select t1.save_id, t1.meta_key, t1.meta_value, t2.meta_key as t2_meta_key, t2.meta_value as t2_meta_value
from cpl_save_meta t1
join cpl_save_meta t2 on t1.save_id = t2.save_id
and t1.meta_key = 'width_surface' and t1.meta_value = '2.6'
and t2.meta_key = 'height_surface' and t2.meta_value = '3.53'
where (select count(*) from cpl_save_meta t3
where t3.save_id = t1.save_id
and t3.meta_key not in ('width_surface', 'height_surface')) = 0
select a.* from
select, b.split_value, count( over (partition by b.split_value) as v_count
select, cast(unnest(string_to_array(translate(c.value,'{}',''),',')) as INTEGER) as split_value
( -- имитация данных таблицы
(select 0 as id, '{1,2,3}' as value) union all
(select 1, '{4, 5}') union all
(select 2, '{3, 6}')
) c
) b
) a
where a.v_count > 1
select a.* from
select, b.split_value, count( over (partition by b.split_value) as v_count
select, unnest(c.value) as split_value
( -- имитация данных таблицы
(select 0 as id, array[1,2,3] as value) union all
(select 1, array[4,5]) union all
(select 2, array[3,6])
) c
) b
) a
where a.v_count > 1
Try this. Check /etc/php7/
Rename 20_mysqli.ini to 30_mysqli.ini, or delete 20_mysqli.ini if both exist. If you also have 20_openssl.ini there, rename that to 10_openssl.ini.
Above change is needed to load the modules in the correct order.
This should now be fixed in the latest builds, but you could be running older code, or suffering from the bug that was there earlier.
$f = readdir($d);
if($f === fasle)
{ break; }
// Сделать что-то с $f в противном случае.
insert into orders (column_1, column_2, column_3)
select column_1, column_2, 'default_value' fake_column
from basket
insert into orders (column_1, column_2, column_3)
select column_1, column_2, (select count(*) from basket) fake_column
from basket
table.white_border th,
table.white_border td
border-color: ваш цвет;
$car = $_POST['user_car'];
$car = array_key_exists('user_car', $_POST) ? $_POST['user_car'] : null;
$mail->Body = '' .$name . ' хочет перегнать машину ' .$car. ' из ' .$from. ' в ' .$to. '. <br> Вот его номер телефона ' .$phone;
$mail->Body = $name . ' хочет перегнать '.(is_null($car) ? 'неуточненную машину' : 'машину ' .$car). ' из ' .$from. ' в ' .$to. '. <br> Вот его номер телефона ' .$phone;
$name = htmlspecialchars($_POST['user_name']);
$phone = htmlspecialchars($_POST['user_phone']);
$car = array_key_exists('user_car', $_POST) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['user_car']) : null;
$from = htmlspecialchars($_POST['from']);
$to = htmlspecialchars($_POST['to']);
$('.close-popup').on('click', function(event){
$description1[] = array([..................])
// This formula always makes the wheel stop somewhere inside prize 3 at least
// 1 degree away from the start and end edges of the segment.
$p = $imgwidth * 1.0 / $imgheight; // пропорция; умножение на 1.0 чтобы перевести число в float;
$delta_q = 0.1; // Дельта ощущения "квадратности" изображения
case $p > (1.0 + $delta_q): echo 'альбомный формат изображения'; break;
case $p < (1.0 - $delta_q): echo 'книжный формат изображения'; break;
default: echo 'изображение, вероятно, квадратное';
text.innerHTML = arr.join(', ');
var dis = (item)
return Math.round(item - item * (5 / 100.0));