# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from itertools import product
def process(existing, required):
for opcount in xrange(existing+required):
for combo in product('dcv', repeat=opcount):
buffer = 0
smiles = existing
data_y = [existing]
for char in combo:
if char == 'd':
smiles -= 1
elif char == 'v':
smiles += buffer
buffer = smiles
if smiles == required:
data_x = xrange(opcount+1)
plt.plot(data_x, data_y, linewidth=1)
print required, data_y
return ''.join(combo)
return '-'
for required in xrange(2, 101):
plt.title('Target: %s' % required)
plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both', tight=False)
for existing in xrange(1, (required//2)+1):
result = process(existing, required)
plt.savefig('{:02d}.png'.format(required), dpi=96, bbox_inches='tight')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from itertools import starmap, imap
from math import sqrt
options = {str(index):option for (index, option) in enumerate('Cathetus|Hypotenuse'.split('|'), 1)}
if __name__ == '__main__':
while True:
menu = '\n'.join(
starmap('-'.join(chr(0x20)*2).join(['{}']*2).format, options.items())
choice = raw_input('\nCalculate:\n%s\n\nYour choice: ' % menu)
side = options[choice]
sign = -1 if int(choice) == 1 else 1
query = lambda index: raw_input('Enter side #%s: = ' % index)
sides = sorted(float(x) for x in imap(query, options))
assert 0 < sides[0] <= sides[1], '\nERROR: Length must be a positive number!'
result = sqrt(pow(sides[-1], 2) + sign*(min(sides)**2))
except KeyError:
print '\nERROR: No such option!'
except ValueError:
print '\nERROR: Length must be a number!'
except AssertionError, error_text:
print error_text
print '\nResult: {:.2f}'.format(result)
>>> a
["['9', '8', '7', '4']", "['9', '8', '7', '5']", "['9', '8', '7', '6']"]
>>> map(int, map(''.join, map(eval, a)))
[9874, 9875, 9876]
>>> reduce(lambda item, func: map(func, item), (eval, ''.join, int), a)
[9874, 9875, 9876]
>>> eval(','.join(a).translate(None,",' ").replace('][',','))
[9874, 9875, 9876]
>>> from itertools import starmap
>>> map(int, starmap(('{}'*4).format, map(eval, a)))
[9874, 9875, 9876]
>>> import re
>>> eval(re.sub("', '|['\[\]]", '', ','.join(a)))
(9874, 9875, 9876)
>>> map(lambda x: int(re.sub('[^\d]', '', x)), a)
[9874, 9875, 9876]
>>> repl = partial(re.sub, '[^\d]', '')
>>> map(lambda x: int(repl(x)), a)
[9874, 9875, 9876]
>>> reduce(lambda item, func: map(func, item), (repl, int), a)
[9874, 9875, 9876]
>>> reduce(lambda *args: map(*args[::-1]), (repl, int), a)
[9874, 9875, 9876]
>>> reduce(lambda *args: map(*args[::-1]), (eval, ''.join, int), a)
[9874, 9875, 9876]
>>> func = lambda item: int(''.join(char for char in item if char in digits))
>>> map(func, a)
[9874, 9875, 9876]
>>> from textwrap import wrap
>>> map(int, wrap(re.sub('[^\d]', '', str(a)), 4))
[9874, 9875, 9876]
>>> d = set(digits)
>>> fltr = partial(filter, d.issuperset)
>>> map(int, map(fltr, a))
[9874, 9875, 9876]
>>> map(int, re.findall('\d{4}', re.sub('[^\d]', '', str(a))))
[9874, 9875, 9876]
def find_word(line):
for step in xrange(1, len(line)):
for start in xrange(step):
if len(set(line[(start or None)::step])) != 1:
return line[:step]
return line
print find_word('HELLOHELLOHELLOHEL')
data = '[{0}000,{1},{2}],'.format(str(r[i])[:-2], e[i], c[i])
>>> x = None
>>> x or 0
from itertools import izip
data = izip(r, e, c)
for trio in data:
if all(trio):
entry = '[{:.0f}000,{},{}],'.format(*trio)
from itertools import izip, ifilter
for triplet in ifilter(all, izip(r, e, c)):
entry = '[{:.0f}000,{},{}],'.format(*triplet)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
from itertools import combinations, imap
def ratio(pair):
return (SequenceMatcher(None, *pair).ratio(), pair[0])
def findword(wordlist):
pairs = combinations(wordlist, 2)
found = max(imap(ratio, pairs))[1]
return found
print findword(['голубец', 'конь', 'голубцы', 'лист'])
print findword(['стол', 'день', 'свет', 'клинок', 'светильник'])
print findword(['восток', 'дань', 'исток', 'жир', 'голубь', 'да'])
def tree(levels=0, func=None):
if levels > 0 and func:
return defaultdict(reduce(lambda f, i: lambda: defaultdict(f), xrange(levels-1), func))
return defaultdict(tree)
>>> d = tree()
>>> d[1][2][3][4][5] = 6
>>> d = tree(3, float)
>>> d
defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x0280E3F0>, {})
>>> d[1][2][3]
>>> d[7][8][9] += 10
>>> d[7][8][9]
def tree(func=lambda: tree(), depth=0):
return defaultdict(reduce(lambda f, i: lambda: defaultdict(f), xrange(depth-1), func))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from random import randint
from itertools import combinations
#data = [53, 50, 74, 4, 11, 68, 65, 50, 25, 84, 65, 63, 14, 54, 49, 17, 65, 48, 74, 66]
data = [randint(1,100) for i in xrange(25)]
#data = [990,1,2,3,1000]
limit = float(sum(data))/2
# Pre-calculate min and max possible number of elements in a group
bounds = [0, 0]
for i in (0,1):
maxsum = 0
for n, item in enumerate(data[::(1,-1)[i]], 1):
cursum = maxsum + item
if cursum <= limit:
maxsum = cursum
bounds[i] = n - int(n > 1)
nmin, nmax = bounds
# Main calculations
maxsum, cycles = 0, 0
for n in xrange(nmin, nmax+1):
# The following check could be efficient with integer numbers, not float
if maxsum == limit:
# One of exact solutions has been found
# Iterate through all possible combinations:
# combinations('ABCD', 2) --> AB AC AD BC BD CD
for vector in combinations(data, n):
cycles += 1
cursum = sum(vector)
if maxsum < cursum <= limit:
maxsum = cursum
solution = vector
# The following check could be efficient with integer numbers, not float
if maxsum == limit:
# One of exact solutions has been found
elif cursum <= maxsum:
# No reason to continue because data is sorted in descending order
# and all of the following sums in this loop will be even smaller
# Print result
print 'data =', data
print 'nmin =', nmin
print 'nmax =', nmax
print 'solution =', solution
print 'cycles =', cycles
print 'limit =', limit
print 'sum =', maxsum
p = re.compile(ur"^(?P<name>.+?)[ ]*-[ ]*(?P<value>\d+?)$", flags=re.M|re.U)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
text = u"""Вася - 10
Ваня - 20
Петя - 30"""
d = dict(re.findall(u"^(.+?) - (\d+?)$", text, flags=re.M|re.U))
print d
p = re.compile(u"^(?P<name>.+?) - (?P<value>\d+?)$", flags=re.M|re.U)
d = [match.groupdict() for match in p.finditer(text)]
print text
print text.encode('utf-8')