Найдите в меню раздел «Power Managevent Setup». Он может располагаться в подменю «Advanced» или «ACPI Configuration»
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6. Perform Initial Configuration
ONIE Installer Software
If the network operating system (NOS) installer is located on
a network server, first connect the RJ-45 Management
(Mgmt) port to the network using Category 5, 5e or better
twisted-pair cable. (Not required if the NOS installer is
located on attached storage.)
Boot the switch. Wait for the ONIE software to locate and
execute the NOS installer, and then wait for the installer to
load the NOS software image.
Subsequent switch boots will bypass ONIE and directly run
the NOS software.
Note: Refer to NOS installer and NOS documentation for
details on software location options and set up for ONIE.
while true; do ffmpeg -re -rtsp_transport tcp -stream_loop -1 -stimeout 10000000 -i rtsp://admin:password@ -f lavfi -i anullsrc -deinterlace -vcodec copy -f flv -c:a libmp3lame -ar 44100 -b:a 128k rtmp://ovsu.mycdn.me/input/vk_stream_key -nostdin -nostats; sleep 5; done;