sock.sendto('''информация'''.decode('utf-8'), '''адрес клиента''', id:'''id типа операции''')
data = '''информация полученная с сервака '''
if data in comands:
'''и здесь код распознавания id'''
import site
import sys
from PDFNetPython import *
from LicenseKey import *
# The following sample illustrates how to parse and check if a PDF document meets the
# PDFA standard, using the PDFACompliance class object.
def PrintResults(pdf_a, filename):
err_cnt = pdf_a.GetErrorCount()
if err_cnt == 0:
print(filename + ": OK.")
print(filename + " is NOT a valid PDFA.")
i = 0
while i < err_cnt:
c = pdf_a.GetError(i)
str1 = " - e_PDFA " + str(c) + ": " + PDFACompliance.GetPDFAErrorMessage(c) + "."
if True:
num_refs = pdf_a.GetRefObjCount(c)
if num_refs > 0:
str1 = str1 + "\n Objects: "
j = 0
while j < num_refs:
str1 = str1 + str(pdf_a.GetRefObj(c, j))
if j < num_refs-1:
str1 = str1 + ", "
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
def main():
# Relative path to the folder containing the test files.
input_path = r"../../TestFiles/"
output_path = r"../../TestFiles/Output/"
PDFNet.SetColorManagement() # Enable color management (required for PDFA validation).
# Example 1: PDF/A Validation
filename = "newsletter.pdf"
# The max_ref_objs parameter to the PDFACompliance constructor controls the maximum number
# of object numbers that are collected for particular error codes. The default value is 10
# in order to prevent spam. If you need all the object numbers, pass 0 for max_ref_objs.
pdf_a = PDFACompliance(False, input_path+filename, None, PDFACompliance.e_Level2B, 0, 0, 10)
PrintResults(pdf_a, filename)
# Example 2: PDF/A Conversion
filename = "fish.pdf"
pdf_a = PDFACompliance(True, input_path + filename, None, PDFACompliance.e_Level2B, 0, 0, 10)
filename = "pdfa.pdf"
pdf_a.SaveAs(output_path + filename, False)
# Re-validate the document after the conversion...
pdf_a = PDFACompliance(False, output_path + filename, None, PDFACompliance.e_Level2B, 0, 0, 10)
PrintResults(pdf_a, filename)
print("PDFACompliance test completed.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
а на счёт ловли исключения, остановка происходит не в if, а в with open(), а там можно поймать только остановку, ошибок вообще нет, он просто стопится и не работает, но я попробую через потоки