#!/usr/bin/env bash
# To run this script you need to install https://rclone.org/ first
# Use current date and time for future backup folder name
TIMESTAMP=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
# Declare the directory where the temporary backup files will be stored
# State the username for your MySQL / MariaDB instace that can access the neccessary databases
# Point this script to mysql executable file
# State the password to the username above
# Be aware that using plain password is unsecure
# Point this script to mysqldump executable file
# Declare the name of the remote that will be used as a remote storage
# Create the temporary backup directory in case it doesn't exist
mkdir -p "$BACKUP_DIR"
# Get the list of all databases in your local MySQL / MariaDB instance
databases=`$MYSQL --user=$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e "SHOW DATABASES;" | grep -Ev "(Database|information_schema|performance_schema)"`
# Start a cycle
for db in $databases; do
# Echo the starting notice
echo -e "===\nStarted working with the $db."
# Use mysqldump to create and actual backup of your database
$MYSQLDUMP --user=$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD --databases $db | gzip > "$BACKUP_DIR/$db.sql.gz"
# Use rclone to upload files to the remote backup server
rclone copy "$BACKUP_DIR/$db.sql.gz" $REMOTE:$BACKUP_DIR
# Echo the result
echo -e "===\nFinished backup process for $db. Check your remote folder or watch for errors."
backup_db.sh: 23: /user/backup_db.sh: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting "do")
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# To run this script you need to install https://rclone.org/ first
# Use current date and time for future backup folder name
TIMESTAMP=$(date +"%F_%T")
# Declare the directory where the temporary backup files will be stored
# State the username for your MySQL / MariaDB instace that can access the neccessary databases
# Point this script to mysql executable file
# State the password to the username above
# Be aware that using plain password is unsecure
# Point this script to mysqldump executable file
# Declare the name of the remote that will be used as a remote storage
# Create the temporary backup directory in case it doesn't exist
mkdir -p "$BACKUP_DIR"
# Get the list of all databases in your local MySQL / MariaDB instance
databases=$($MYSQL --user=$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e "SHOW DATABASES;" | grep -Ev "(Database|information_schema|performance_schema)")
# Start a cycle
for db in $databases; do
# Echo the starting notice
echo -e "===\nStarted working with the $db."
# Use mysqldump to create and actual backup of your database
$MYSQLDUMP --user=$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD --databases "$db" | gzip > "$BACKUP_DIR/$db.sql.gz"
# Use rclone to upload files to the remote backup server
rclone copy "$BACKUP_DIR/$db.sql.gz" $REMOTE:$BACKUP_DIR
# Echo the result
echo -e "===\nFinished backup process for $db. Check your remote folder or watch for errors."
вместо впендюривания в скрипт имени пользователя, пароля и т.д. #!/bin/sh
#скрипт бэкапа баз данных
#Создаем папку для архивов. -p не ругается когда папка уже есь test проверяет есть ли папка для чистых логов
test ! -d /var/backup/mysql/`date +%Y` && { mkdir -p /var/backup/mysql/`date +%Y` ; }
test ! -d /var/backup/mysql/last && { mkdir -p /var/backup/mysql/last ; }
#прячем от умных, и так не зайдут но всеже.
chmod 600 /var/backup/mysql
chmod 600 /var/backup/mysql/last
# делаем сам дапм файлов sql, свежинькие файлы лежат всегда в ней, очень удобно не нужно заходить в архивы и искать там вчерашние базы, и логируется.
for i in `mysql -u***** -p******** -e'show databases;' | grep -v information_schema | grep -v Database`; do mysqldump -u********* -p********* $i > /var/backup/mysql/last/$i.sql;done >> /dev/null 2>> /var/log/sqlbackup.log
# Архивируем дамп, ну и логируем разумеется
cd /var/backup/mysql/
tar -czvf /var/backup/mysql/`date +%Y`/sqldump-`date +%Y-%m-%u`.tar.gz ./last >> /dev/null >> /var/log/sqlbackup.log
#(echo "Subject: Бэкап mysql server завершен"; cat /var/log/sqlbackup.log;) | /usr/sbin/sendmail viktor@demo.ru
################## Конец скрипта