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Как получить telegra.ph access_token?

Не нашел в официальной инструкции https://telegra.ph/api информацию о том, где получить свой access_token.
Собственно, интересно, где его получить?

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Теперь пару выдержек из API.

All queries to the Telegraph API must be served over HTTPS and should be presented in this form: https://api.telegra.ph/%method%.

Use this method to create a new Telegraph account. Most users only need one account, but this can be useful for channel administrators who would like to keep individual author names and profile links for each of their channels. On success, returns an Account object with the regular fields and an additional access_token field.

access_token (String)
Optional. Only returned by the createAccount and revokeAccessToken method. Access token of the Telegraph account.

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