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public class GenericArray<T, S>: IEnumerable where T: ItemGenericArray<S>
private T[] objs;
public GenericArray()
objs = null;
public GenericArray(S[] n)
objs = new T[n.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < n.Length; i++)
objs [i] = new T(n[i]);//Cannot create an instance of the variable type `T' because it does not have the new() constraint , `T': cannot provide arguments when creating an instance of a variable type
public int Length
get { return objs.Length; }
public S[] ToSystemArray()
if (objs != null)
S[] t = new S[objs.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < t.Length; i++)
t [i] = objs[i].obj;
return t;
return null;
public T this[int index]
return objs[index];
objs[index] = value;
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
for (int i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++)
yield return objs[i];
public IEnumerable GetEnumeratorPage(int max)
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
if (i == objs.Length)
yield break;
yield return objs[i];
public class ItemGenericArray<S>
public S obj { get; set; }
public ItemGenericArray(S obj)
this.obj = obj;
public class ItemAssetObjectGenericArray: ItemGenericArray<Object>
public static ObjectSorter.namerAction na;
public static string directory;
public Object Obj
return obj;
string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(value);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && path.Contains(directory))
char[] splitter = { '/' };
string[] dirs = path.Split(splitter);
if (na == ObjectSorter.namerAction.sortableFiles)
if (dirs.Length == 4 && (new Regex(@"№\d{4}\..*\.\w*$").Matches(dirs[dirs.Length - 1]).Count) == 1)
if (dirs[dirs.Length - 1].Contains (".jpg") || dirs[dirs.Length - 1].Contains (".png") || dirs[dirs.Length - 1].Contains (".mpeg") || dirs[dirs.Length - 1].Contains (".ogg"))
obj = value;
if (dirs.Length == 3 && (new Regex(@"№\d{4}\..*$").Matches(dirs[dirs.Length - 1]).Count) == 1)
obj = value;
public ItemAssetObjectGenericArray(Object o) : base(o) { }