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Hetzner шлет письма с жалобой на сервер?

Добрый день!
Купил себе виртуальный сервер на Hetzner и через пару месяцем стали приходить письма "Счастья" с периодичностью один раз в неделю.
Пожалуйста подскажите как можно решить данную проблему.

> Dear Sir or Madam,
> NetBIOS defines a software interface and a naming convention.
> NetBIOS over TCP/IP provides the NetBIOS programming interface
> over the TCP/IP protocol.
> Over the past months, systems responding to NetBIOS nameservice
> requests from anywhere on the Internet have been increasingly
> abused for DDoS reflection attacks against third parties.
> The NetBIOS nameservice uses port 137/udp.
> Please find below a list of affected systems hosted on your network.
> The timestamp (timezone UTC) indicates when the openly accessible
> NetBIOS nameservice was identified.
> We would like to ask you to check this issue and take appropriate
> steps to secure the NetBIOS nameservices services on the affected
> systems or notify your customers accordingly.
> If you have recently solved the issue but received this notification
> again, please note the timestamp included below. You should not
> receive any further notifications with timestamps after the issue
> has been solved.
> Additional information on this notification, advice on how to fix
> reported issues and answers to frequently asked questions:
> This message is digitally signed using PGP. Information on the
> signature key is available at the aforementioned URL.
> Please note:
> This is an automatically generated message. Replies to the
> sender address will NOT be read
> but silently be discarded. In case of questions, please contact
> and keep the ticket number [CB-Report#...]
> of this message in the subject line.
> !! Please make sure to consult our HOWTOs and FAQ available at
> !! first.
> ======================================================================
> Betroffene Systeme in Ihrem Netzbereich:
> Affected systems on your network:
> Format: ASN | IP address | Timestamp (UTC) | Workgroup name | Machine name
> 24940 | | 2017-03-10 02:00:25 | WORKGROUP | BADMAN
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Ответы на вопрос 2
Правильно пишут. Закройте порты NetBIOS снаружи, вы все равно ими скорее всего не пользуетесь. А бомбить вас через них будут. А если разбомбят или окажется что ваш сервер участвует в "reflection attack", то по правилам у вас просто отключат сервер.
Ответ написан
this.skills.javascript = ["typescript", "nodejs"]
Соглашусь с предыдущим комментатором, а от себя добавлю - Hetzner вообще сомнительного качества решение) С тем же успехом можно старый системник дома к оптике подключить и на бесперебойник кинуть, на мой взгляд.
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