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нужно на кроне обновлять(добавлять), ip прокси серверов cloudflare для nginx(set_real_ip_from).
хоть и не часто они обновляются, но все равно не хотелось бы лишний раз заходить на сервер.

на просторах нашел такой скрипт (по словам автора полностью рабочий)


# Location of the nginx config file that contains the CloudFlare IP addresses.

# The URLs with the actual IP addresses used by CloudFlare.

# Temporary files.

# Download the files.
if [ -f /usr/bin/curl ];
    curl --silent --output $CF_TEMP_IP4 $CF_URL_IP4
    curl --silent --output $CF_TEMP_IP6 $CF_URL_IP6
elif [ -f /usr/bin/wget ];
    wget --quiet --output-document=$CF_TEMP_IP4 --no-check-certificate $CF_URL_IP4
    wget --quiet --output-document=$CF_TEMP_IP6 --no-check-certificate $CF_URL_IP6
    echo "Unable to download CloudFlare files."
    exit 1

# Generate the new config file.
echo "# CloudFlare IP Ranges" > $CF_NGINX_CONFIG
echo "# Generated at $(date) by $0" >> $CF_NGINX_CONFIG
echo "" >> $CF_NGINX_CONFIG

echo "# - IPv4 ($CF_URL_IP4)" >> $CF_NGINX_CONFIG
awk '{ print "set_real_ip_from " $0 ";" }' $CF_TEMP_IP4 >> $CF_NGINX_CONFIG
echo "" >> $CF_NGINX_CONFIG

echo "# - IPv6 ($CF_URL_IP6)" >> $CF_NGINX_CONFIG
awk '{ print "set_real_ip_from " $0 ";" }' $CF_TEMP_IP6 >> $CF_NGINX_CONFIG
echo "" >> $CF_NGINX_CONFIG

echo "real_ip_header CF-Connecting-IP;" >> $CF_NGINX_CONFIG
echo "" >> $CF_NGINX_CONFIG

# Remove the temporary files.

# Reload the nginx config.
service nginx reload

не создается конфиг, нет его и во временных файлах. сами файлы со списками ip доступны (https://www.cloudflare.com/ips-v4 и https://www.cloudflare.com/ips-v6)

если в терминале вбить /home/scripts/cloudflare-update-ip-ranges.sh > /dev/null 2>&1

выводит такое:

/home/scripts/cloudflare-update-ip-ranges.sh: line 29: /etc/nginx/cloudflare: Is
a directory
/home/scripts/cloudflare-update-ip-ranges.sh: line 30: /etc/nginx/cloudflare: Is
a directory
/home/scripts/cloudflare-update-ip-ranges.sh: line 31: /etc/nginx/cloudflare: Is
a directory
/home/scripts/cloudflare-update-ip-ranges.sh: line 33: /etc/nginx/cloudflare: Is
a directory
/home/scripts/cloudflare-update-ip-ranges.sh: line 34: /etc/nginx/cloudflare: Is
a directory
/home/scripts/cloudflare-update-ip-ranges.sh: line 35: /etc/nginx/cloudflare: Is
a directory
/home/scripts/cloudflare-update-ip-ranges.sh: line 37: /etc/nginx/cloudflare: Is
a directory
/home/scripts/cloudflare-update-ip-ranges.sh: line 38: /etc/nginx/cloudflare: Is
a directory
/home/scripts/cloudflare-update-ip-ranges.sh: line 39: /etc/nginx/cloudflare: Is
a directory
/home/scripts/cloudflare-update-ip-ranges.sh: line 41: /etc/nginx/cloudflare: Is
a directory
/home/scripts/cloudflare-update-ip-ranges.sh: line 42: /etc/nginx/cloudflare: Is
a directory
Reloading nginx: [ OK ]
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Ответы на вопрос 1
# Location of the nginx config file that contains the CloudFlare IP addresses.
/home/scripts/cloudflare-update-ip-ranges.sh: line 29: /etc/nginx/cloudflare: Is
a directory

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