Знаю, что для таких целей можно использовать selenium в связке с phantomjs, но как это можно сделать через питон библиотеку grab?
Вот, что я получаю при запросе через grab
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- The line above switches the browser into standard mode, see also
This line must be the first in the data stream that is sent to the browser. Add
onload="alert('mode: ' + document.compatMode);"
to the body tag to see which mode the browser has chosen. If the output is "BackCompat" then
some other part of the server system might have added code in front of this file rendering
the DOCTYPE setting useless. Check with "View page source" or such in the browser.
<meta Http-Equiv="X-UA-Compatible" Content="IE=Edge">
<title>NOP Network Operations Portal</title>
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<meta Http-Equiv="Expires" Content="0">
<!-- 964px is the width of the header image,
margin: 0 auto; centers on Firefox,
text-align: center; centers on IEx7 -->
<body id="main" style="margin: 0 auto; width: 964px; background: #C5CDD7; text-align: center;">
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