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function C() { return 'undefined' != typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest } function D(b, f) { C() ? GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: b, nocache: true, onload: (g) => f(g.responseText), }) : fetch(b) .then((g) => g.json()) .then((g) => f(g)) } const E = 'just-testing-things.free.nf', F = { hoho: { lvid: '480518', bu: 'hohohubv-ac90f67762c4.herokuapp.com', ru: { hohohubcheckpoint1: '2', hohohubcheckpoint2: '3', hohohubcheckpoint3: '4', }, }, flux: { 'start.php': '530799/fluxus-android-free2', 'fluxus-android-free2': 'check1.php', 'check1.php': '530799/fluxus-android-free', 'fluxus-android-free': 'main.php', }, REoS: { v: '1.2', l: 'http://' + E + '/', }, } function G(b) { try { var f = window.open ;(C() ? unsafeWindow : window).open = function (h) { return h.includes('keyrblx.com/') || h.includes('auth.pandadevelopment.net/') || h.includes('work.ink/') || h.includes('linkvertise.com/') ? (b(), h.includes('work.ink/token/') && window.close(), f(h)) : null } } catch (h) { console.log('Failed to patch ClickJacking.', h) } } function H(f) { var g = (function () { var i = true return function (j, k) { var l = i ? function () { if (k) { var m = k.apply(j, arguments) return (k = null), m } } : function () {} return (i = false), l } })(), h = g(this, function () { return h .toString() .search('(((.+)+)+)+$') .toString() .constructor(h) .search('(((.+)+)+)+$') }) return h(), f.pathname.split('/')[1] } function I(b) { try { b() } catch { setTimeout(b, 1000) } setInterval(b, 3000) } function J() { var f = (function () { var j = true return function (k, l) { var m = j ? function () { if (l) { var p = l.apply(k, arguments) return (l = null), p } } : function () {} return (j = false), m } })() ;(function () { f(this, function () { var j = new RegExp('function *\\( *\\)'), k = new RegExp('\\+\\+ *(?:[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*)', 'i'), l = M('init') if (!j.test(l + 'chain') || !k.test(l + 'input')) { l('0') } else { M() } })() })() document.body.innerHTML = '' var g = document.createElement('img'), h = document.createElement('p'), i = document.createTextNode('https://t.me/arceusxscripts') g.src = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/915583526986993695/1162065540081266779/image.png?ex=657b2e5e&is=6568b95e&hm=7d3003c3e8ed1633aed2b59bb7a2a9995092e151da5bbec25d18e67355714b4f&' g.style.position = 'absolute' g.style.top = '0' g.style.left = '0' document.body.appendChild(g) h.appendChild(i) document.body.appendChild(h) } if ( (D('https://shz.al/~REoS_v', (b) => { ;(C() ? F.REoS.v !== b : parseFloat(F.REoS.v) !== b) && window.location.hostname !== E && (alert('Your REoS is outdated. You will be redirected.'), (window.location = F.REoS.l + 'REoS_download')) }), 'work.ink' === window.location.hostname && !window.location.pathname.includes('/token/')) ) { var K = true function N() { Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('accessBtn')).forEach((b) => { ;(b.innerText.toLowerCase().includes('go to destination') || b.innerText.toLowerCase().includes('access link')) && true === K && b.click() }) } G(function () { K = false }) setInterval(N, 200) } if ( (('linkvertise.net' !== window.location.hostname && ('linkvertise.com' !== window.location.hostname || window.location.href.includes('38666/arceus') || window.location.href.includes('38666/rosaverx'))) || (window.location.href.includes('/dynamic?') && 'profile' !== H(window.location) && (J(), setTimeout(function () { console.log('https://t.me/arceusxscripts') let b = window.location.href.includes('?r=') ? '?r=' : '&r=', f = '' try { f = atob( window.location.href .split(b)[1] .replace('&o=sharing', '') .replaceAll('%3D', '') ) } catch { f = atob( decodeURIComponent( window.location.href .split(b)[1] .replace('&o=sharing', '') .replaceAll('%3D', '') ) ) } window.location = f }, 3 * Math.random() + 2 + 10000)), H(window.location) === F.hoho.lvid && (J(), setTimeout(function () { console.log('https://t.me/arceusxscripts') window.location = window.location = 'https://' + F.hoho.bu + '/api/step?step=' + F.hoho.ru[ window.location.pathname.replace('/' + F.hoho.lvid + '/', '') ] }, 2500)), '530799' === H(window.location) && (window.location = 'https://fluxteam.net/android/checkpoint/' + F.flux[window.location.pathname.split('/')[2]])), window.location.hostname === F.hoho.bu) ) { function O() { Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('button')).forEach((b) => { b.innerText.toLowerCase().includes('next checkpoint (li') && b.click() }) } G(() => {}) I(O) } function L() { 'object' == typeof grecaptcha && 0 != grecaptcha.getResponse().length && Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('span')).forEach((b) => { 'continue' == b.textContent.toLowerCase() && b.parentNode.click() }) } 'fluxteam.net' === window.location.hostname && window.location.pathname.includes('android/checkpoint/') && 'main.php' !== window.location.pathname.split('/')[3] && (J(), (window.location = 'https://linkvertise.com/' + F.flux[window.location.pathname.split('/')[3]])) 'keyrblx.com' === window.location.hostname && (G(() => {}), I(L)) 'auth.pandadevelopment.net' !== window.location.hostname || window.location.href.includes('getkey/proceed') || (G(() => {}), I(L)) function M(b) { function e(f) { if (typeof f === 'string') { return function (g) {}.constructor('while (true) {}').apply('counter') } else { ;('' + f / f).length !== 1 || f % 20 === 0 ? function () { return true } .constructor('debugger') .call('action') : function () { return false } .constructor('debugger') .apply('stateObject') } e(++f) } try { if (b) { return e } else { e(0) } } catch (g) {} }
var byteString = '\x6b'; // Пример байта var char = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(byteString, 16)); // Дешифровка байта console.log(char); // Вывод дешифрованного символа