
Как передать в цикл for два аргумента из строки bash?

Имеется файл следующего вида:
"IP-address или host-name"пробел"port"
Пример: 5433
ya.ru 80
google.com 443
и т.д.

Необходимо выполнить telnet всех ресурсов файле, т.е.
telnet 5433
telnet ya.ru 80 и т.д.

Как это сделать через цикл for?
Если делать
for addr in $(cat имя_файла); do telnet $addr; done
- то в переменную addr по очереди будут попадать сначала хост, потом порт
Как поместить сразу два аргумента в данный цикл?
  • Вопрос задан
  • 240 просмотров
Решения вопроса 1
Системный администратор
Установите необходимый разделитель через переменную $IFS.
for addr in $(cat filename); do
    IFS=' '
    telnet $addr

man bash

Word Splitting
The shell scans the results of parameter expansion, command substitution, and arithmetic expansion that did not occur within double quotes for word splitting.

The shell treats each character of IFS as a delimiter, and splits the results of the other expansions into words using these characters as field terminators. If IFS is unset, or its value is exactly , the default, then sequences of , , and at the beginning and end of the results of the previous expansions are ignored, and any sequence of IFS characters not at the beginning or end serves to delimit words. If IFS has a value other than the default, then sequences of the whitespace characters space, tab, and newline are ignored at the beginning and end of the word, as long as the whitespace character is in the value of IFS (an IFS whitespace character). Any character in IFS that is not IFS whitespace, along with any adjacent IFS whitespace characters, delimits a field. A sequence of IFS whitespace characters is also treated as a delimiter. If the value of IFS is null, no word splitting occurs.

Explicit null arguments ("" or '') are retained and passed to commands as empty strings. Unquoted implicit null arguments, resulting from the expansion of parameters that have no values, are removed. If a parameter with no value is expanded within double quotes, a null argument results and is retained and passed to a command as an empty string. When a quoted null argument appears as part of a word whose expansion is non-null, the null argument is removed. That is, the word -d'' becomes -d after word splitting and null argument removal.

Note that if no expansion occurs, no splitting is performed.
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Ответы на вопрос 2
@saboteur_kiev Куратор тега Linux
software engineer
while read addr; do
 telent $addr;
Ответ написан
nginx, js, css

Нужно просто использовать read с двумя аргументами:
while read host port; do
  telnet $host $port
done < filename

Пример (с echo вместо настоящего telnet):
$ while read host port; do echo "telnet to host $host with port $port"; done < filename 
telnet to host with port 5433
telnet to host ya.ru with port 80
telnet to host google.com with port 443
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