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Unity 2020.3.42f1 ругается на код, как быть?

Я писал код по видео с ютуба(Мне это нужно, так как я слегка подзабыл основу). Весь код я писал в точности как автор видео. И как только я дописал строки про состояние crouching и решил проверить работоспособность(также как и автор видео), то меня встретило несколько ошибок не дающих запустить тест. Ошибки и код я указал ниже. Заранее спасибо за ответ и помощь

> PlayerMovement.cs(111,5): error CS0106: The modifier 'private' is not valid for this item

> PlayerMovement.cs(140,5): error CS0106: The modifier 'private' is not valid for this item

> PlayerMovement.cs(154,5): error CS0106: The modifier 'private' is not valid for this item

> PlayerMovement.cs(166,5): error CS0106: The modifier 'private' is not valid for this item

> PlayerMovement.cs(173,5): error CS0106: The modifier 'private' is not valid for this item

> PlayerMovement.cs(177,2): error CS1513: } expected

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

    public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour
        private float moveSpeed;
        public float walkSpeed;
        public float sprintSpeed;
        public float groundDrag;
        public float jumpForce;
        public float jumpCooldown;
        public float airMultiplier;
        bool readyToJump;
        public float crouchSpeed;
        public float crouchYScale;
        private float startYScale;
        public KeyCode jumpKey = KeyCode.Space;
        public KeyCode sprintKey = KeyCode.LeftShift;
        public KeyCode crouchKey = KeyCode.LeftControl;
        [Header("Ground Check")]
        public float playerHeight;
        public LayerMask whatIsGround;
        bool grounded;
        public Transform orientation;
        float horizontalInput;
        float verticalInput;
        Vector3 moveDirection;
        Rigidbody rb;
        public MovementState state;
        public enum MovementState
        private void Start()
            rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
            rb.freezeRotation = true;
            readyToJump = true;
            startYScale = transform.localScale.y;
        private void Update()
            // ground check
            grounded = Physics.Raycast(transform.position, Vector3.down, playerHeight * 0.5f + 0.3f, whatIsGround);
            // handle drag
            if (grounded)
                rb.drag = groundDrag;
                rb.drag = 0;
        private void FixedUpdate()
        private void MyInput()
            horizontalInput = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
            verticalInput = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");
            // when to jump
            if (Input.GetKey(jumpKey) && readyToJump && grounded)
                readyToJump = false;
                Invoke(nameof(ResetJump), jumpCooldown);
            //start crouch
                transform.localScale = new Vector3(transform.localScale.x, crouchYScale, transform.localScale.z);
                rb.AddForce(Vector3.down * 5f, ForceMode.Impulse);
            if (Input.GetKeyUp(crouchKey))
                transform.localScale = new Vector3(transform.localScale.x, startYScale, transform.localScale.z);
        private void StateHandler()
            //Mode - Crouching
                state = MovementState.crouching;
                moveSpeed = crouchSpeed;
            //Mode - Sprinting 
            if(grounded && Input.GetKey(sprintKey))
                state = MovementState.sprinting;
                moveSpeed = sprintSpeed;
            //Mode - Walking
            else if(grounded)
                state = MovementState.walking;
                moveSpeed = walkSpeed;
            //Mode - Air
                state = MovementState.air;
        private void MovePlayer()
            // calculate movement direction
            moveDirection = orientation.forward * verticalInput + orientation.right * horizontalInput;
            // on ground
            if (grounded)
                rb.AddForce(moveDirection.normalized * moveSpeed * 10f, ForceMode.Force);
            // in air
            else if (!grounded)
                rb.AddForce(moveDirection.normalized * moveSpeed * 10f * airMultiplier, ForceMode.Force);
        private void SpeedControl()
            Vector3 flatVel = new Vector3(rb.velocity.x, 0f, rb.velocity.z);
            // limit velocity if needed
            if (flatVel.magnitude > moveSpeed)
                Vector3 limitedVel = flatVel.normalized * moveSpeed;
                rb.velocity = new Vector3(limitedVel.x, rb.velocity.y, limitedVel.z);
        private void Jump()
            // reset y velocity
            rb.velocity = new Vector3(rb.velocity.x, 0f, rb.velocity.z);
            rb.AddForce(transform.up * jumpForce, ForceMode.Impulse);
        private void ResetJump()
            readyToJump = true;
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private void MyInput() отсутствует закрывающая фигурная скобка
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