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Как запустить liquidsoap на нескольких ядрах?

Такая проблема при запуске конфига liquidsoap'а вся нагрузка ложится на одно ядро. Если запустить несколько экземпляров скрипта, то загрузка пойдет по нескольким ядрам, но в логах будет сыпаться ошибка - Connection failed: 403, Forbidden (HTTP/1.0). Я так понимаю он пытается запустить 2++ поток на icecast что никак не помогает при декодирование видео. Что нужно сделать чтобы liquidsoap стал декодировать видео на всех ядрах процессора?
Система linux debian 11. Метод установки liquidsoap - opam. Версия liquidsoap - 2.0.6
1 Экземпляр

Конфиг liquidsoap
videoplaylist = playlist(reload=3600,"/home/misha/video/")
reklamaplaylist = playlist(reload=3600,"/home/misha/video/reklama/")
main = rotate(weights = [1, 1],[videoplaylist, reklamaplaylist])

Лог liquidsoap в нескольких экземплярах

2022/07/18 03:21:40 >>> LOG START
2022/07/18 03:21:37 [main:3] Liquidsoap 2.0.6
2022/07/18 03:21:37 [main:3] Using: bytes=[distributed with OCaml 4.02 or above] pcre=7.5.0 sedlex=3.0 menhirLib=20220210 curl=0.9.2 dtools=0.4.4 duppy=0.9.2 cry=0.6.7 mm=0.8.1 ogg=0.7.2 ogg.decoder=0.7.2 vorbis=0.8.0 vorbis.decoder=0.8.0 dynlink=[distributed with Ocaml] theora=0.4.0 theora.decoder=0.4.0 ffmpeg=1.1.4 taglib=0.3.9 camomile=1.0.2
2022/07/18 03:21:37 [dynamic.loader:3] Could not find dynamic module for lame encoder.
2022/07/18 03:21:37 [dynamic.loader:3] Could not find dynamic module for fdkaac encoder.
2022/07/18 03:21:37 [clock:3] Using builtin (low-precision) implementation for latency control
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [lang:2] WARNING: "set" is deprecated and will be removed in future version. Please use `settings.path.to.key.set(value)`
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [lang:2] WARNING: "set" is deprecated and will be removed in future version. Please use `settings.path.to.key.set(value)`
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [lang:2] WARNING: "set" is deprecated and will be removed in future version. Please use `settings.path.to.key.set(value)`
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [lang:2] WARNING: "set" is deprecated and will be removed in future version. Please use `settings.path.to.key.set(value)`
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [frame:3] Using 44100Hz audio, 25Hz video, 44100Hz main.
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [frame:3] Video frame size set to: 1280x720
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [frame:3] Frame size must be a multiple of 1764 ticks = 1764 audio samples = 1 video samples.
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [frame:3] Targeting 'frame.duration': 0.04s = 1764 audio samples = 1764 ticks.
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [frame:3] Frames last 0.04s = 1764 audio samples = 1 video samples = 1764 ticks.
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [sandbox:3] Sandboxing disabled
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [video.converter:3] Using preferred video converter: ffmpeg.
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [audio.converter:3] Using samplerate converter: ffmpeg.
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [clock.main:3] Streaming loop starts in auto-sync mode
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [clock.main:3] Delegating synchronisation to CPU clock
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [video.add_text:3] Using ffmpeg implementation
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [clock.main:2] We must catchup 1.44 seconds!
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [mksafe:3] Switch to safe_blank.
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [reklama:3] Prepared "/home/misha/video/reklama/test.mp4" (RID 0).
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [video:3] Prepared "/home/misha/video/494-GRATEFUL - Natasha Aughey - Brooke Ence Workout Motivation .mp4" (RID 1).
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [mksafe:3] Switch to switch_1 with transition.
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [/test:3] Connecting mount /test for source@localhost...
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [/test:2] Connection failed: 403, Forbidden (HTTP/1.0)
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [/test:3] Will try again in 3.00 sec.
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [switch_1:3] Switch to switch_0.
2022/07/18 03:21:40 [switch_0:3] Switch to video.
2022/07/18 03:21:41 [clock.main:2] We must catchup 1.95 seconds!
2022/07/18 03:21:42 [clock.main:2] We must catchup 2.36 seconds!
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [clock.main:2] We must catchup 2.77 seconds!
2022/07/18 03:21:43 >>> LOG START
2022/07/18 03:21:41 [main:3] Liquidsoap 2.0.6
2022/07/18 03:21:41 [main:3] Using: bytes=[distributed with OCaml 4.02 or above] pcre=7.5.0 sedlex=3.0 menhirLib=20220210 curl=0.9.2 dtools=0.4.4 duppy=0.9.2 cry=0.6.7 mm=0.8.1 ogg=0.7.2 ogg.decoder=0.7.2 vorbis=0.8.0 vorbis.decoder=0.8.0 dynlink=[distributed with Ocaml] theora=0.4.0 theora.decoder=0.4.0 ffmpeg=1.1.4 taglib=0.3.9 camomile=1.0.2
2022/07/18 03:21:41 [dynamic.loader:3] Could not find dynamic module for lame encoder.
2022/07/18 03:21:41 [dynamic.loader:3] Could not find dynamic module for fdkaac encoder.
2022/07/18 03:21:41 [clock:3] Using builtin (low-precision) implementation for latency control
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [lang:2] WARNING: "set" is deprecated and will be removed in future version. Please use `settings.path.to.key.set(value)`
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [lang:2] WARNING: "set" is deprecated and will be removed in future version. Please use `settings.path.to.key.set(value)`
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [lang:2] WARNING: "set" is deprecated and will be removed in future version. Please use `settings.path.to.key.set(value)`
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [lang:2] WARNING: "set" is deprecated and will be removed in future version. Please use `settings.path.to.key.set(value)`
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [frame:3] Using 44100Hz audio, 25Hz video, 44100Hz main.
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [frame:3] Video frame size set to: 1280x720
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [frame:3] Frame size must be a multiple of 1764 ticks = 1764 audio samples = 1 video samples.
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [frame:3] Targeting 'frame.duration': 0.04s = 1764 audio samples = 1764 ticks.
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [frame:3] Frames last 0.04s = 1764 audio samples = 1 video samples = 1764 ticks.
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [sandbox:3] Sandboxing disabled
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [video.converter:3] Using preferred video converter: ffmpeg.
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [audio.converter:3] Using samplerate converter: ffmpeg.
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [clock.main:3] Streaming loop starts in auto-sync mode
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [clock.main:3] Delegating synchronisation to CPU clock
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [video.add_text:3] Using ffmpeg implementation
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [mksafe:3] Switch to safe_blank.
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [video:3] Prepared "/home/misha/video/355-NO EXCUSES - Female Fitness Motivation .mp4" (RID 1).
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [mksafe:3] Switch to switch_1 with transition.
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [/test:3] Connecting mount /test for source@localhost...
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [/test:2] Connection failed: 403, Forbidden (HTTP/1.0)
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [/test:3] Will try again in 3.00 sec.
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [switch_1:3] Switch to switch_0.
2022/07/18 03:21:43 [switch_0:3] Switch to video.
2022/07/18 03:21:44 [/test:3] Connecting mount /test for source@localhost...
2022/07/18 03:21:44 [/test:2] Connection failed: 403, Forbidden (HTTP/1.0)
2022/07/18 03:21:44 [/test:3] Will try again in 3.00 sec.
2022/07/18 03:21:44 [clock.main:2] We must catchup 3.18 seconds!
2022/07/18 03:21:45 [clock.main:2] We must catchup 3.59 seconds!
2022/07/18 03:21:46 [clock.main:2] We must catchup 4.06 seconds!
2022/07/18 03:21:47 [/test:3] Connecting mount /test for source@localhost...
2022/07/18 03:21:47 [/test:2] Connection failed: 403, Forbidden (HTTP/1.0)
2022/07/18 03:21:47 [/test:3] Will try again in 3.00 sec.
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