. Но лучше сделать три отдельных атрибута и искать по точному выражению month=11 and day=4
. Есть еще функция распаковки даты. SELECT id, related_pos.1 AS position WHERE position != 0 ORDER BY position
As of version 2.0.2-beta, all attributes types (int, bigint, float, MVA), except for strings and JSON attributes, can be dynamically updated.
Proximity distance is specified in words, adjusted for word count, and applies to all words within quotes. For instance, "cat dog mouse"~5 query means that there must be less than 8-word span which contains all 3 words, ie. "CAT aaa bbb ccc DOG eee fff MOUSE" document will not match this query, because this span is exactly 8 words long.
OPTION ranker=expr('sum(wlccs*user_weight) * 100500 - doc_word_count * 42')