INVITE sip:79515120466@;transport=UDP SIP/2.0
AGI Command "GET OPTION filename digits timeout"
Behaves similar to STREAM FILE but used with a timeout option.
Streams filename and returns when digits is pressed or when timeout has been reached. Timeout is specified in ms. If timeout is not specified, the command will only terminate on the digits set. Filename can be an array of files or a single filename.
# update-rc.d mediatimb remove
# update-rc.d mediatimb defaults
voice translation-rule 1000
rule 1 /.*/ /79012345678/ type any unknown plan any unknown
voice translation-profile ToProv1
translate calling 1000
dial-peer voice 1026 voip
translation-profile outgoing ToProv1
up ip addr add x.x.x.x/xx dev br0
down ip addr del x.x.x.x/xx dev br0