function middlewareOne(req, res, next) {
req.locals = {
myValue: 'value'
AS "info" ON "product"."id" = "info"."productId" WHERE "product"."id" = 'getAll
const {data} = await guestInstance.get('brand/')
`Mailgun` object constructor options:
* `apiKey` - Your Mailgun API KEY
* `publicApiKey` - Your public Mailgun API KEY
* `domain` - Your Mailgun Domain (Please note: domain field is ``, not
* `mute` - Set to `true` if you wish to mute the console error logs in `validateWebhook()` function
* `proxy` - The proxy URI in format `http[s]://[auth@]host:port`. ex: `''`
* `timeout` - Request timeout in milliseconds
* `host` - the mailgun host (default: ''). Note that if you are using the EU region the host should be set to ''
* `protocol` - the mailgun protocol (default: 'https:', possible values: 'http:' or 'https:')
* `port` - the mailgun port (default: '443')
* `endpoint` - the mailgun host (default: '/v3')
* `retry` - the number of **total attempts** to do when performing requests. Default is `1`.
That is, we will try an operation only once with no retries on error. You can also use a config
object compatible with the `async` library for more control as to how the retries take place.
See docs [here](
* `testMode` - turn test mode on. If test mode is on, no requests are made, rather the request options and data is logged
* `testModeLogger` - custom test mode logging function