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class ORM extends Kohana_ORM {
public function use_index($index)
$this->_db_pending[] = array(
'name' => 'use_index',
'args' => array($index),
return $this;
class Database_Query_Builder_Select extends Kohana_Database_Query_Builder_Select {
protected $_use_index = NULL;
public function use_index($index)
$this->_use_index = $index;
return $this;
public function compile($db = NULL)
if ( ! is_object($db))
// Get the database instance
$db = Database::instance($db);
// Callback to quote columns
$quote_column = array($db, 'quote_column');
// Callback to quote tables
$quote_table = array($db, 'quote_table');
// Start a selection query
$query = 'SELECT ';
if ($this->_distinct === TRUE)
// Select only unique results
$query .= 'DISTINCT ';
if (empty($this->_select))
// Select all columns
$query .= '*';
// Select all columns
$query .= implode(', ', array_unique(array_map($quote_column, $this->_select)));
if ( ! empty($this->_from))
// Set tables to select from
$query .= ' FROM '.implode(', ', array_unique(array_map($quote_table, $this->_from)));
if ($this->_use_index !== NULL)
// Use index
$query .= " USE INDEX (" . $this->_use_index . ")";
if ( ! empty($this->_join))
// Add tables to join
$query .= ' '.$this->_compile_join($db, $this->_join);
if ( ! empty($this->_where))
// Add selection conditions
$query .= ' WHERE '.$this->_compile_conditions($db, $this->_where);
if ( ! empty($this->_group_by))
// Add grouping
$query .= ' '.$this->_compile_group_by($db, $this->_group_by);
if ( ! empty($this->_having))
// Add filtering conditions
$query .= ' HAVING '.$this->_compile_conditions($db, $this->_having);
if ( ! empty($this->_order_by))
// Add sorting
$query .= ' '.$this->_compile_order_by($db, $this->_order_by);
if ($this->_limit !== NULL)
// Add limiting
$query .= ' LIMIT '.$this->_limit;
if ($this->_offset !== NULL)
// Add offsets
$query .= ' OFFSET '.$this->_offset;
if ( ! empty($this->_union))
foreach ($this->_union as $u) {
$query .= ' UNION ';
if ($u['all'] === TRUE)
$query .= 'ALL ';
$query .= $u['select']->compile($db);
$this->_sql = $query;
return parent::compile($db);
if ($this->_use_index !== NULL)
$query .= " USE INDEX (" . $this->_use_index . ")";
ORM::factory('Mp3')->use_index('artist_2')->where('artist', '=', $artist_name)->where('id', '>', $start_mp3_id)->order_by('id')->limit(10)->find_all();